Calendar entry: ``Mauerdurchbruch'', in: Lost Place Kalender 2023, Geocaching Magazin.
(December 2022, german language, 1 picture DIN A3)
Article: ``ibug - Industriebrachenumgestaltung, oder: Das Bunte muss ins Dreckige'', Rucksackabentuer-Magazin 6/2022, pages 14-17 (June 2022, german language, 4 pages)
Article: ``Wiederholendes Wartungsfenster mit Nagios'',
FreeX 6/2010, pages 92-93.
(November 2010, german language, 2 pages)
PhD Thesis: ``System Administration Training in the Virtual
Unix Lab - An e-learning system with diagnosis via a domain
specific language as base for an architecture for tutorial
assistance and user adaption''.
Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen, Germany, 2009.
ISBN 978-3-8322-7874-8.
Also available
for online purchase
and as
permitted local copy
(December 2008, english language, 420 pages)
Presentation given with Stefan Schumacher:
``Portable Software-Installation on Linux, Solaris & NetBSD with pkgsrc'',
co-authored with D'Arcy J. M. Cain.
Held during the Linuxtag 2007 at the Messegelände unter dem Funkturm, Berlin, Germany.
(June 2007, german language, 34 slides)
``DynDNS für Strato-Domains im Eigenbau''.
Held at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2007
at the Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany.
(March 2007, german language, 27 slides)
Article: ``Die Subdomain zuhause - Sicherer DynDNS-Updates mit STRATO-gehosteten
Domains'', FreeX 2/2007, pages 38-43.
(February 2007, german language, 6 pages)
Co-authored with Stefan Schumacher and Mark Weinem.
``NetBSD - Das portabelste Betriebssystem der Welt'', pages 315--326.
Bernd Lutterbeck,
Matthias Bärwolff, Robert A. Gehring (Hrsg.):
Open Source Jahrbuch 2007.
Lehmanns Media Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-86541-191-4
(January 2007, german language, 13 pages)
Presentation and live demo
``Beispielinstallation: NetBSD in qemu''.
Held at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2006
at the Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany.
(March 2006, german language, 10 slides)
``Introducing the Virtual Unix Lab''
with its aspects of Computer Science and Information Science
during lunch talk of the Secure Systems group Nov 2005
at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, USA.
(Nov 2005, english language, 23 slides)
Article: ``VND gut komprimiert'', co-authored with Florian Stöhr.
FreeX 6/2005, pages 71-75.
(June 2005, german language 5 pages)
Presentation ``Das Virtuelle Unix-Labor - Statusbericht SS2005''
covering more details on result verification, and evaluation of
results of the Virtual Unix Lab.
Held at the seminar ``Neue Entwicklungen in der Informationswissenschaft''
at the University of Regensburg, visited in summer-term 2005.
(April 2005, german language, 45 slides)
Presentation: "Didaktik der Systemadministration"
held at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage at the Technical University of Chemnitz,
(March 2005, german language, 31 slides)
Presentation: "Didaktik & Systemadministration", BOF session
held at the spring talk (Frühjahrsfachgespräch) of the
German Unix User Group in Munich, Germany.
(February 2005, german language, 16 pages and 27 slides)
Article: "Didaktik der Systemadministration", in:
Uptimes -- Mitgliedszeitschrift der German Unix User Group (GUUG) e.V.,
Februar 2005, pages 6--15. GUUG e.V. Verlag, Köln.
(February 2005, german language, 16 pages)
Article: "Didaktik
der Systemadministration", in: GUUG Frühjahrsfachgespräch
2005 Proceedings, pages 323--338. GUUG e.V. Verlag, Köln.
ISBN 3-86541-085-5.
(February 2005, german language, 16 pages)
Presentation: ``Das Virtuelle Unix-Labor - Statusbericht WS04/05''
covering an introduction of the Virtual Unix Lab,
didactics of system administration and result verification.
Held at the seminar ``Neue Entwicklungen in der Informationswissenschaft''
at the University of Regensburg, visited in winter-term 2004/05.
(January 2005, german language, 56 slides)
Presentation: ``Easy Software Installation on Linux, Solaris, NetBSD etc. using pkgsrc''
paper). In:
Proceedings of the 21st Chaos Communications Congress 27.-29. December 2004
in Berlin, Germany,
pages 197--203. Art d'Ameublement, Bielefeld, Germany.
(December 2004, german language, 34 slides, 10 pages)
Presentation: ``GPL für Anfänger''
paper, recording). In:
Proceedings of the 21st Chaos Communications Congress (21c3) 27.-29.
December 2004 in Berlin, Germany,
pages 191--196. Art d'Ameublement, Bielefeld, Germany.
(December 2004, german language, 40 slides, 6 pages)
Presentation ``Geistiges Eigentum:
Schutz durch Software-Lizenzen''
for the course ``Informationsethik'' at the department of Information
Science (Informationswissenschaft) at Uni Regensburg, visited in
winter-term 2004/05.
(November 2004, german language, 39 slides)
Presentation: ``An Introduction to Sysadmin Training in the Virtual Unix Lab''
Presented at the European BSD
Conference 2004 on Oct. 31st, 2004, in Karlsruhe, Germany.
In: Proceedings of the EuroBSDCon 2004, Verlag, Karlsruhe, Germany, pages 109-140.
Presentation slides
and paper
for the course "Information - Philosophische und
informationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven" at the department of
Information Science (Informationswissenschaft) at Uni Regensburg, visited in
summer-term 2004.
(July 2004, german language, 26 slides
and August 2004, german language, 14 pages).
Presentation slides
and paper
on ``Quenya Syntax I: Verbalphrasen''
for the course "Informationslinguistik" at the department of Information
Science (Informationswissenschaft) at Uni Regensburg, visited in
summer-term 2004, together with Claudia Henghuber.
(May 2004, german language, 71 slides
and July 2004, german language, 31 pages).
Co-authoring of the presentation ``NetBSD 2003 -- NetBSD 2004'' at
the spring talks (Frühjahrsfachgespräch) of the German Unix
User Group, together with Ignatios Souvatzis. (February 2004, german
language, 9 pages).
Presentation: ``Das NetBSD Projekt -
Statusbericht'' - presentation held in Dec 2003 at the 20th
Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin. (Dec 2003, german
language, 27 slides)
Presentation: ``NetBSD Status Report'' - presentation
held in Dec 2002 at the 19th Chaos Communications Congress (19C3) in Berlin.
(Dec 2002, german language)
Presentation: ``Rapid Deployment von IPv6 mit 6to4'' - presentation
held in Dec 2002 at the 19th Chaos Communications Congress (19C3) in Berlin.
(Dec 2002, german language)
Presentation: ``Reaching the Goal with the Regensburg Marathon-Cluster - A
NetBSD Cluster Project'' - presentation held in Oct 2002 at the Linuxday in
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, and in Nov 2002 at the EuroBSD Con in Amsterdam, Netherlands: paper
(September 2002, english language, 17 pages),
(October 2002, english language, 32 slides)
Presentation: ``Der Regensburger Marathon-Cluster - Informationswissenschaftliche Darstellung'';
Course "Information Retrieval" at department of Information Science
(Informationswissenschaften) at Uni Regensburg, visited in
summer-term 2002:
paper (July
2002, german language, 18 pages)
presentation slides
(July 2002, german language , 36 pages)
IPv6 - Das neue Internet-Protokoll: Rapid Deployment von IPv6 mit 6to4 for Managerakademie Ueberreuter's "IPv6 - Das neue Internet-Protokoll" conference Sep 19/20th 2001 in Bonn, Germany (cancelled) (September 2001, german language, 2700 words)
IPv6 - Das neue Internet-Protokoll: IPv6 & BSD for Managerakademie Ueberreuter's "IPv6 - Das neue Internet-Protokoll" conference Sep 19/20th 2001 in Bonn, Germany (cancelled) (September 2001, german language, 400 words)
Introduction to IPv6,
on May 25th on O'Reilly's
(May 2001, english language, 3100 words)
A Tour through the NetBSD
Documentation, four parts.
Part I
published in April issue of DaemonNews magazine (Apr 2001, english language, 1100 words),
part II
published in May issue of DaemonNews magazine (Apr 2001, english language, 900 words),
part III
published in June issue of DaemonNews magazine (Apr 2001, english language, 1400 words),
part IV
published in July issue of DaemonNews magazine (Apr 2001, english language, 1200 words)
MeDoc: Experiences in
Document Conversions performed during the MeDoc Project;
Published in shortened form in issue 1392 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science by Springer-Verlag: Barth, Breu, Endres, de Kemp - Digital
Libraries in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 1998.
ISBN 3-540-64493-8 (Mar 1998, english language, 44 pages)
Praktikumsbericht und
Vortragsunterlagen zum ersten praktischen
Studiensemester mit dem Hauptthema "Erstellen eines Data Dictionarys
aus den Assembler-Sourcen-Codes der MS-Macros des IMOS-PPS-Paketes"
(Jan 1992, german language, 51 and 16 pages)
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