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When using color, a few aspects must be take into account as well, else the result may not be easy to read or even nice to look at.

When going to PDF, using color is usually no matter, as the underlying color models from PostScript ensure that one color displays the same everywhere, besides that, PDF documents are usually in a uniform ``black on white'' style.

This might not be the case with documents in HTML. The ``black on grey'' that many browsers offer today is often deemed as boring, and that at least a different background color has to be chosen for the pages. White is easily chosen and also pretty to look at, but one should use it with care if the document uses tables with borders (<TABLE BORDER>), horizontal rules (<HR>) and other objects which have a three-dimensional look by default, as the white background will harm this look, see Figures 6. In such a case, shades of grey and pastel may provider a better look and also keep the 3D look of the said objects.

Figure 6: Table and horizontal rule on white and grey background.
[width=0.4]bild05-1.eps [width=0.4]bild05-2.eps

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Hubert Feyrer