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[20090112] Releasing pkgsrc-2008Q4
From the release announcement: `` The pkgsrc developers are very proud to announce the new pkgsrc-2008Q4 release, which has support for even more packages than previous releases. As well as updated versions of many packages, the infrastructure of pkgsrc itself has been improved for better platform and compiler support.

At the same time, the pkgsrc-2008Q3 release has been deprecated, and continuing engineering starts on the pkgsrc-2008Q4 release.

The pkgsrc-2008Q4 release celebrates 5 years of quarterly releases within pkgsrc, and we would like to thank all of our users and developers for using the world's most portable packaging system - to all of the users, developers and supporters a very large "Thank you" from all of us.

Some highlights of the new pkgsrc-2008Q4 release are:

  • Jared McNeill has introduced pulseaudio to pkgsrc, which is a huge boost, giving pkgsrc the benefits of one of the best audio systems
  • our GNOME packages have been updated by Thomas Klausner, and much work has been done on the HAL layer within GNOME by Jared McNeill. We also now have improved zeroconf support through the avahi package - our thanks to Adam Hoka for that.
  • more packages have been moved to install into a staging directory, thanks to Joerg Sonnenberger
  • improved support for AIX, again, from Joerg Sonnenberger
  • many, many packages have been updated to newer versions, to take advantage of fixes and improved functionality. [...]
  • other notable changes include
    • Kouichirou Hiratsuka has added Openoffice 3 to pkgsrc
    • Stoned Elipot and Havard Eidnes have made it their personal goal to incorporate all the CPAN packages into pkgsrc. They have recently been joined in their quest by Ulrich Habel.
    • the vlc package continues to be updated, again by Jared McNeill - it is now at version 0.9.8a
    • we bid a fond thanks, and farewell, to some old favourites, such as python 1.5, nail, bidwatcher, jssi, jsdk20, grail, and zope-2.5
    • the perl package has been upgraded to version 5.10 - a side effect of this is that binary packages of perl modules made with perl-5.8 and earlier versions are incompatible with perl-5.10
    • the addition of some interesting, pertinent, and shiny packages such as parpd, openoffice3, twitux, consolekit, policykit, hal, sslproxy, diffuse, gstfs, openresolv, and pulseaudio and related packages. ''

Read the full text with many more details and data in the release announcement!

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