hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20080409] Cuneiform opensourced under BSD license
This is not strictly NetBSD-related, but still of interest as I consider licensing an important topic. Mike 'mishka' Volokhov wrote me mail to point out that the Cuneiform OCR program was recently opened under a BSD license. Mike notes that according to the Cuneiform Forum (russian language), the license for the Puma OCR core was chosen for three reasons:
  • the BSD license allows to use the same core in other commercial products of Cognitive Technologies
  • the BSD license matches research and educational purposes so as it gives "more freedom", as it was outspoken by developer company
  • other companies can use the OCR engine in their commercial projects
If you ever need to convince your PHB to use the BSD license, there's one more example for you, now. Thanks Mike!

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