hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20080302] About localization (l10n), and translations
A question was asked about what's needed to add localization for a new language in NetBSD, and Takehiko Nozaki answered, giving hints at the various places in NetBSD's source tree that are related to internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n), including the libc message catalog and sysinst.

Maybe that's of interest for parties who want to help out in translating those parts of the NetBSD operating system. BTW, while here: at www@, we receive regular inquiries about help with translating NetBSD's website and the NetBSD Guide into other languages. Unfortunately doing one-shot translations is one thing, maintaining them is quite a different beast. Experiences from the past have shown that those translations are usually not maintained after an initial translation effort, and stay outdated. As a consequence, the NetBSD project has decided that we will not put efforts into maintaining translations in the future. People who want to translate parts of NetBSD's website or any of the guides (NetBSD Guide, pkgsrc guide) are welcome to do so when they are also hosting them at their site. Please talk to for linking to those external translations then. Thanks!

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer