hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20071113] MIT releases the sources of MULTICS
This blog posting from Jos Kirps's Popular Science and Technology Blog scrolled by on #NetBSD tonight: MIT releases the sources of MULTICS, the father of UNIX!

``This is extraordinary news for all nerds, computer scientists and the Open Source community: the source code of the MULTICS operating system (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service), the father of UNIX and all modern OSes, has finally been opened.

Multics was an extremely influential early time-sharing operating system started in 1964 and introduced a large number of new concepts, including dynamic linking and a hierarchical file system. It was extremely powerful, and UNIX can in fact be considered to be a "simplified" successor to MULTICS (the name "Unix" is itself a hack on "Multics"). The last running Multics installation was shut down on October 31, 2000. ''

More information is available at, including an overview of the system, its history, and most important, the Multics source code and documentation.

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