Article: Tip of the Trade: TestDisk and PhotoRec
Google News coughed up an article
by Carla Schroder, ``Tip of the Trade: TestDisk and PhotoRec''.
The Article talks about
TestDisk and PhotoRec
- ``TestDisk recovers mangled partitions, and PhotoRec recovers lost files of all types, not just image files, as the name implies. The tools run on DOS, all versions of Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Sun Solaris, and Mac OSX. Additionally, they should compile and run on most any Unix system.''
I haven't tried it, and I'll most likely not have time for it
soonish (and I'll hopefully not need it ever :-), so no first-hands
experiences from me. But if anyone can make a statement about
this tool on NetBSD, I'd love to hear about it (and I'll promise
posting an update here :). Anyone?
[Tags: Articles]