Switching CVS servers easily
After copying a few old trees checked out from CVS today, and updating
them afterwards, I got the dreaded list of conflicts in files that
I've never touched:
P distrib/sets/lists/xserver4/md.i386
P distrib/sets/lists/xserver4/mi
cvs update: move away distrib/utils/sysinst/Makefile; it is in the way
C distrib/utils/sysinst/Makefile
cvs update: move away distrib/utils/sysinst/Makefile.inc; it is in the way
C distrib/utils/sysinst/Makefile.inc
cvs update: move away distrib/utils/sysinst/SPELLING.en; it is in the way
C distrib/utils/sysinst/SPELLING.en
Remembering that this is usually caused by having different values
in the CVS/Root files, this was the case for me too - I had
a generic address of a CVS server in most of the files, but the
files under src/distrib had a IPv4-only address in there, which
caused the problem.
To end the problem for all times, I remembered of a nice trick
I saw recently (I think mentioned by someone from the NetBSD admins
team) to use one file for all CVS/Root files, and hardlink that into
all "CVS"-directories:
% cd .../src
% cat CVS/Root >r
% find . -name Root | grep CVS/Root \
? | sh -c 'while read r ; do echo rm $r ; echo ln r $r ; done' \
? | sh -v
% rm r
This command first copies the contents of .../src/CVS/Root to
a temporary file "r" - make sure it contains the value to be used
anywhere! After that, all CVS/Root files are searched, removed
and (hard)linked to the temporary file, which is then removed.
Now whenever the CVS repository needs to be switched, updating
a single file is enough, due to all the .../CVS/Root files being
hardlinks to the same file (watch the link count of 6494):
% ls -la CVS/Root
-rw-r--r-- 6494 feyrer wheel 32 Mar 20 20:39 CVS/Root
% cat bin/ls/CVS/Root
% echo anoncvs@anoncvs.fr.netbsd.org:/cvsroot >CVS/Root
% cat bin/ls/CVS/Root
[Tags: cvs]