hubertf's NetBSD Blog
Send interesting links to hubert at feyrer dot de!
[20170104] Hotplugging RAM - uvm_hotplug(9), the Xen balloon(4) driver and portmasters' FAQ
Adding and removing hardware components in operation is common in today's commoditized computing environments. This was not always the case - in the past century, one had to power down a machine in order to change network cards, harddisks or RAM. A major step towards changing a system's configuration at runtime for customers came with USB, but that's not where it ends - other systems like PCI support hotplugging as well.

Another area where changing of the system's configuration is the amount of Ramdom Access Memory (RAM) of a system. Usually fixed, this is determined at system start time, and then managed by the operating system's memory managent system. But esp. with today's virtualized hardware systems, even the amount of RAM assigned to a system can easily be changed. For example a VM can be assigned more RAM when needed, without even rebooting the system, leading to increased system performance without introducing swapping/paging overhead. Of course this required support from the operating system and its memory management subsystem.

For NetBSD, the UVM virtual memory system was now changed to support this via the uvm_hotplug(9) API, and a first user for this is the Xen balloon(4) driver. Quoting from the balloon(4) manpage, ``The balloon driver supports the memory ballooning operations offered in Xen environments. It allows shrinking or extending a domain's available memory by passing pages between different domains.''

The uvm_hotplug(9) manpage gives us more information on the UVM hotplug functionality: ``When the kernel is compiled with 'options UVM_HOTPLUG', memory segments are handled in a dynamic data structure (rbtree(3)) com- pared to a static array when not. This enables kernel code to add or remove information about memory segments at any point after boot - thus "hotplug".''

To answer more questions for portmasters who want to change their ports, Cherry G. Mathew has now posted a uvm_hotplug(9) port masters' FAQ. It covers questions on the background, affected files, and needed changes.

For more information on UVM, see Charles' Chuck' Cranor's PhD disertation on Design and Implementation of UVM (PDF) as well as his Usenix talk on the UVM Virtual Memory System (PS). There is also plenty of information available on Xen ballooning - check it out and share your experiences on NetBSD's port-xen mailing list!

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[20161109] Looking at the scheduler issue again (Updated)
I've encountered a funny scheduler behaviour the other day in a Xen enviroment. The behaviour was that CPU load was not distributed evenly on all CPUs, i.e. in my case on a 2-CPU-system, two CPU-bound processes fought over the same CPU, leaving the other one idle.

I had another look at this today, and was able to reproduce the behaviour using VMWare Fusion with two CPU cores on both NetBSD 7.0_STABLE as well as -current, both with sources as of today, 2016-11-08. I've also made a screenshot available that shows the issue on both systems. I have also filed a problem report to document the issue.

The one hint that I got so far was from Michael van Elst that there may be a rounding error in sched_balance(). Looking at the code, there is not much room for a rounding error. But I am not familiar enough (at all) with the code, so I cannot judge if crucial bits are dropped here, or how that function fits in the whole puzzled.

Update: Pondering on the "rounding error", I've setup both VMs with 4 CPUs, and the behaviour shown there is that load is distributed to about 3 and a half CPU - three CPUs under full load, and one not reaching 100%. There's definitely something fishy in there. See screenshot.

Splitting up the four CPUs on different processor sets with one process assigned to each set (using psrset(8)) leads to an even load distribution here, too. This leads me to thinking that the NetBSD scheduling works well between different processor sets, but is busted within one set.

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[20161105] NetBSD 7.0/xen scheduling mystery, and how to fix it with processor sets
Today I had a need to do some number crunching using a home-brewn C program. In order to do some manual load balancing, I was firing up some Amazon AWS instances (which is Xen) with NetBSD 7.0. In this case, the system was assigned two CPUs, from dmesg:
    # dmesg | grep cpu
    vcpu0 at hypervisor0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz, id 0x306e4
    vcpu1 at hypervisor0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz, id 0x306e4
I started two instances of my program, with the intent to have each one use one CPU. Which is not what happened! Here is what I observed, and how I fixed things for now.

I was looking at top(1) to see that everything was running fine, and noticed funny WCPU and CPU values:

      2791 root      25    0  8816K  964K RUN/0     16:10 54.20% 54.20% myprog
      2845 root      26    0  8816K  964K RUN/0     17:10 47.90% 47.90% myprog
I expected something like WCPU and CPU being around 100%, assuming that each process was bound to its own CPU. The values I actually saw (and listed above) suggested that both programs were fighting for the same CPU. Huh?!

top's CPU state shows:

    load averages:  2.15,  2.07,  1.82;               up 0+00:45:19        18:00:55
    27 processes: 2 runnable, 23 sleeping, 2 on CPU
    CPU states: 50.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt, 50.0% idle
    Memory: 119M Act, 7940K Exec, 101M File, 3546M Free
Which is not too useful. Typing "1" in top(1) lists the actual per-CPU usage instead:
    load averages:  2.14,  2.08,  1.83;               up 0+00:45:56        18:01:32
    27 processes: 4 runnable, 21 sleeping, 2 on CPU
    CPU0 states:  100% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle
    CPU1 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
    Memory: 119M Act, 7940K Exec, 101M File, 3546M Free
This confirmed my suspicion that both processes were bound to one CPU, and that the other one was idling. Bad! But how to fix?

One option is to kick your operating system out of the window, but I still like NetBSD, so here's another solution: NetBSD allows to create "processor sets", assign CPU(s) to them and then assign processes to the processor sets. Let's have a look!

Processor sets are manipulated using the psrset(8) utility. By default all CPUs are in the same (system) processor set:

    # psrset
    system processor set 0: processor(s) 0 1
First step is to create a new processor set:
    # psrset -c
    # psrset
    system processor set 0: processor(s) 0 1
    user processor set 1: empty
Next, assign one CPU to the new set:
    # psrset -a 1 1
    # psrset
    system processor set 0: processor(s) 0
    user processor set 1: processor(s) 1
Last, find out what the process IDs of my two (running) processes are, and assign them to the two processor sets:
    # ps -u 
    root 2791 52.0  0.0  8816  964 pts/4   R+    5:28PM 22:57.80 myprog
    root 2845 50.0  0.0  8816  964 pts/2   R+    5:26PM 23:33.97 myprog
    # psrset -b 0 2791
    # psrset -b 1 2845
Note that this was done with the two processes running, there is no need to stop and restart them! The effect of the commands is imediate, as can be seen in top(1):
    load averages:  2.02,  2.05,  1.94;               up 0+00:59:32        18:15:08
    27 processes: 1 runnable, 24 sleeping, 2 on CPU
    CPU0 states:  100% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle
    CPU1 states:  100% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle
    Memory: 119M Act, 7940K Exec, 101M File, 3546M Free

     2845 root      25    0  8816K  964K CPU/1     26:14   100%   100% myprog
     2791 root      25    0  8816K  964K RUN/0     25:40   100%   100% myprog
Things are as expected now, with each program being bound to its own CPU.

Now why this didn't happen by default is left as an exercise to the reader. Hints that may help:

    # uname -a
    NetBSD 7.0 NetBSD 7.0 (XEN3_DOMU.201509250726Z) amd64
    # dmesg
    hypervisor0 at mainbus0: Xen version
    VIRQ_DEBUG interrupt using event channel 3
    vcpu0 at hypervisor0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz, id 0x306e4
    vcpu1 at hypervisor0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz, id 0x306e4 
AWS Instance type: c3.large
AMI ID: NetBSD-x86_64-7.0-201511211930Z-20151121-1142 (ami-ac983ddf)

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[20150225] NetBSD on IBM's SoftLayer and Microsoft's Azure and more
Xen is a common and popular virtualization platform today. NetBSD was ported to it prety early. Due to that, NetBSD cam be ran on any "cloud" infrastructure that uses Xen, with Amazon's EC2 cloud probably the most prominent and largest one.

As the whole "cloud" and "platform as a service" (PaaS) is lifting off, other virtualization platforms get popular, which need attention from NetBSD. The first one to note is IBM's SoftLayer, which uses its own virtualization technique that supports many operating systems but strange enough not NetBSD. To still get things going, Emile "iMil" Heitor has investigated the situation, and wrote how to install NetBSD (or any PV-capable system) on IBM's SoftLayer.

Another major platform to look for is Microsoft's Azure. It uses Microsoft's ohn Hyper-V technique, which there is no NetBSD support yet! There is a project description "NetBSD/azure -- Bringing NetBSD to Microsoft Azure" available that got some pretty useful links this week - any takers? As starting point, there's code for Running FreeBSD in Azure.

Last but not least, the last big virtualization platfor amiss is KVM, which is used e.g. in Google's cloud platform. While there are some mentions that NetBSD runs as guest operating system, I am not sure what the latest state is. Anyone in for a comparison? :)

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[20130324] Ansible & EC2 - Playbooks for orchestrating NetBSD into the cloud
As follower of my blog you have seen the steps towards getting NetBSD instances started in Amazon's EC2 cloud with a simple web application deployed on one EC2 instance and the database on another one.

These blog articles were very detailed on purpose, to have full logfiles available just in case needed. I have used these logs to prepare my pkgsrcCon 2013 talk about Ansible and Amazon's EC2, so things can be looked at without actually running anything. As it turns out this was good, because the 32bit NetBSD instances that I've used during my pkgsrcCon demonstration actually decided to do a kernel panic, and the presentation was a bit more on the theoretical side than I originally planned.

Now after pkgsrcCon is over, I would like to publish the presentation slides with all the details, and especially the playbooks and all other files to look at - enjoy!

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[20130321] Ansible, EC2 and NetBSD final milestone 4 reached: Web and DB on separate VMs in the cloud
In the fourth and last step on my journey to use Ansible to bring a non-trivial system of a Web server and a DB server into Amazon's EC2 cloud, this is the final step. After starting out with a local VMware VM and making first steps with Ansible and EC2, the previous step was to push a single system into the cloud. Now, the final step is to setup two distinct VMs, one for the database and one for the webserver, and then make them known to each other.

The single steps are:

  1. Prepare the two VMs
  2. Basic setup for all systems
  3. Install the database server
  4. Install the webserver
  5. Connect database and webserver
Again, here are all the steps in detail:
  1. As before, ensure local time is correct when talking to Amazon, and also make sure the SSH agent has the proper key loaded.
    % date
    Thu Mar 21 00:45:37 CET 2013
    % ssh-add -l
    2048 d5:25:19:3d:59:40:35:32:03:f7:c5:83:de:19:b6:d0 ../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem (RSA)
  2. Make sure security groups are setup properly. We use one group for the database server, and one for the webserver. This defines the access permissions from the internet, and also allows to identify systems for their individual configuration and also for connecting them in the final step:
    % euca-describe-groups
    GROUP   sg-ae54b3c5     749335780469    ec2-dbservers   Database servers
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-dbservers   ALLOWS  tcp     22      22      FROM    CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-dbservers   ALLOWS  tcp     3306    3306    FROM    CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-dbservers   ALLOWS  icmp    -1      -1      FROM    CIDR
    GROUP   sg-a854b3c3     749335780469    ec2-webservers  Web servers
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  tcp     22      22      FROM    CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  tcp     80      80      FROM    CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  icmp    -1      -1      FROM    CIDR
  3. Now, run our playbook to setup the two VMs. This uses the single playbook from the previous milestone, and just runs it twice with different security groups:
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare-db+web-vm.yml
    PLAY [localhost] ********************* 
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Launch new EC2 instance] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Give the system 30 seconds to boot up] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Get rid of SSH "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" query] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Fix /usr/ to run pkgin with -y] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'install /usr/ /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod +w /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'sed "s,bin/pkgin update,bin/pkgin -y update," /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod -w /usr/'})
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Install pkgin via /usr/] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': u'env PATH=/usr/sbin:${PATH} /usr/ binpkg'})
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Copy over Ansible binary package] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Install Ansible dependencies] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Install Ansible package (manually)] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-webservers | Setup lame /usr/bin/python symlink] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Launch new EC2 instance] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Give the system 30 seconds to boot up] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Get rid of SSH "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" query] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Fix /usr/ to run pkgin with -y] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'install /usr/ /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod +w /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'sed "s,bin/pkgin update,bin/pkgin -y update," /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod -w /usr/'})
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Install pkgin via /usr/] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': u'env PATH=/usr/sbin:${PATH} /usr/ binpkg'})
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Copy over Ansible binary package] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Install Ansible dependencies] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Install Ansible package (manually)] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [ec2-dbservers | Setup lame /usr/bin/python symlink] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP *********************                      : ok=18   changed=18   unreachable=0    failed=0    
  4. Just to make sure, check that the two instances run properly, and are in the right security groups, ec2-webservers and ec2-dbservers:
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-a419f9d9      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-21b7c441      ami-5d0f8034    ...
    RESERVATION     r-641efe19      749335780469    ec2-dbservers
    INSTANCE        i-54a2ab3e      ami-5d0f8034    ...
  5. Next, bring the two freshly setup systems (which are already capable of acting as ansible targets) up to our basic system setup:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-basic.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers;security_group_ec2-dbservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [ping] ********************* 
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [Install tcsh] ********************* 
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add user feyrer] ********************* 
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [Create ~feyrer/.ssh directory] ********************* 
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable ssh login with ssh-key] ********************* 
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install sudo] ********************* 
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PW-less sudo-access for everyone in group 'wheel'] ********************* 
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [Disable ssh logins as root] ********************* 
    ok: []
    ok: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=8    changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0 : ok=8    changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    
  6. Check:
    % ssh id
    uid=1000(feyrer) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),0(wheel)
    % ssh id
    uid=1000(feyrer) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),0(wheel)
  7. Now that the two machines run with our basline configuration, install their individual software and settings. First the database server:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-dbserver.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-dbservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [Install mysql] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install MySQL rc.d script] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Start MySQL service] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install python-mysqldb (for mysql_user module)] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Setup DB] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add db-user] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Copy over DB template] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Import DB data] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=8    changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    
  8. Check and see if the database works as expected:
    % ssh -t mysql -u webapp -p webapp
    Enter password: ****
    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_webapp |
    | names            |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
    mysql> select * from names;
    | id | first  | last |
    |  1 | Donald | Duck |
    |  2 | Daisy  | Duck |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> bye
  9. Excellent. Now setup the webserver, too:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-webserver.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [Installing ap24-php53 package and dependencies] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Apache rc.d script] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable and start Apache service] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PHP in Apache config file] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'re': 'LoadModule.*', 'l': 'LoadModule php5_module lib/httpd/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': 'AddHandler.*x-httpd-php', 'l': 'AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php'})
    TASK: [Make Apache read index.php] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add simple PHP test - see] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install phpmyadmin] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable phpmyadmin in Apache config] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Fix Apache access control for phpmyadmin] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PHP modules in PHP config file] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    TASK: [Create directory for webapp] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Deploy example webapp] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Create webapp symlink for easy access] ********************* 
    changed: []
    NOTIFIED: [restart apache] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=14   changed=14   unreachable=0    failed=0    
  10. Again, test:
    % links -dump
                                       It works!
    % links -dump | head
       PHP Logo                                                                   
                                   PHP Version 5.3.17                             
       System          NetBSD ip-10-80-61-33.ec2.internal 6.0.1 NetBSD 6.0.1      
                       (XEN3PAE_DOMU) i386                                        
       Build Date      Dec 14 2012 10:31:13                                       
                       './configure' '--with-config-file-path=/usr/pkg/etc'       
                       '--sysconfdir=/usr/pkg/etc' '--localstatedir=/var'         
    % links -dump
       Showing table hf.names:
       Cannot connect to database: Can't connect to local MySQL server through
       socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)(2002)
  11. Close to optimum, but the last error is actually expectet: In order for proper operation, the Database needs to grant the webserver access, and the web server needs to know where the database server is. So let's connect them!

    This step is done by preparing a shell script on both systems, which will then be ran to - depending on the system's security group - perform the proper steps:

    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-connections.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers;security_group_ec2-dbservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [Collect EC2 host information] ********************* 
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [Prepare connection-script in /tmp/] ********************* 
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [Run connection-script] ********************* 
    changed: []
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0 : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    
  12. With that final step, our test web application works, and the webserver can access the database properly:
    % links -dump
       Showing table hf.names:
       | id | first  | last |
       | 1  | Donald | Duck |
       | 2  | Daisy  | Duck |
       Enter new values:
       first:     _____________________ 
       last:      _____________________ 
       [ Submit ] 
So much for this exercise. I'll talk about the ansible and euca2ools packages at pkgsrcCon 2013 in Berlin. Join in if you're curious about what the actual playbooks used in the above examples look like, or stay tuned to find my presentation and all the data after pkgsrcCon 2013.

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[20130321] Ansible, EC2 and NetBSD milestone 3 reached: Web and database in the cloud
With the previous work on setting up a local VM as database and web server and setting up a Xen VM in Amazon's EC2 cloud combined, it is pretty straight forward to setup a EC2 instance that has all the software to serve a simple web application from the cloud.

The single steps are:

  1. Prepare the environment with proper time, SSH agent and EC2 firewall groups
  2. Setup EC2 instance with pkgin and ansible
  3. Do basic preparations to meet our standards for logins, shells and general usability and security
  4. Setup database server with DB software, user and import of data
  5. Setup web server with all the software and some demo application
The following details show all the commands can and their output in more detail:

  1. Make sure time is set properly - needed when talking to Amazon EC2:
    % sudo sh /etc/rc.d/ntpd stop
    ntpd not running? (check /var/run/
    % sudo sh /etc/rc.d/ntpdate restart
    Setting date via ntp.
    % sudo sh /etc/rc.d/ntpd start
    Starting ntpd.
    % date
    Sat Mar 16 16:46:19 CET 2013
  2. Teach our EC2 SSH key to SSH agent, so we don't have to type a password (which we don't know anyways - EC2 only works with SSH keys):
    % ssh-add -l
    Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
    % eval `ssh-agent`
    Agent pid 10467
    % ssh-add -l
    The agent has no identities.
    % ssh-add ../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem
    Identity added: ../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem (../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem)
    % ssh-add -l
    2048 d5:25:19:3d:59:40:35:32:03:f7:c5:83:de:19:b6:d0 ../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem (RSA)
  3. Check security (firewall) groups - those are stored in EC2, and we have previously set them up:
    % euca-describe-groups
    GROUP   sg-a854b3c3     749335780469    ec2-webservers  Web servers
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  tcp     22      22      FROM    CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  tcp     80      80      FROM    CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  icmp    -1      -1      FROM    CIDR
  4. See if there are any EC2 instances running:
    % euca-describe-instances
    No - that's fine, we are about to change that!

  5. Run first playbook to launch EC2 instance and prepare it for using with ansible:
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare1vm.yml
    PLAY [localhost] ********************* 
    TASK: [Launch new EC2 instance] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Give the system 30 seconds to boot up] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Get rid of SSH "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" query] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Fix /usr/ to run pkgin with -y] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'install /usr/ /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod +w /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'sed "s,bin/pkgin update,bin/pkgin -y update," /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod -w /usr/'})
    TASK: [Install pkgin via /usr/] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': u'env PATH=/usr/sbin:${PATH} /usr/ binpkg'})
    TASK: [Copy over Ansible binary package] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Ansible dependencies] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Ansible package (manually)] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Setup lame /usr/bin/python symlink] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP *********************                      : ok=9    changed=9    unreachable=0    failed=0    
    We now have a EC2 instance running that has Ansible installed:
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-d77272ad      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-9fafc2f2      ami-5d0f8034 ...
  6. With this EC2 instance, we can do some basic preparations for our standards, e.g. a login without requiring root (and while there, actually disable allowing as root), setup sudo and a proper shell:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-basic.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [ping] ********************* 
    ok: []
    TASK: [Install tcsh] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add user feyrer] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Create ~feyrer/.ssh directory] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable ssh login with ssh-key] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install sudo] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PW-less sudo-access for everyone in group 'wheel'] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Disable ssh logins as root] ********************* 
    ok: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=8    changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    
    Let's have a look if things actually work:
    % ssh id
    uid=1000(feyrer) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),0(wheel)
    % ssh id
    uid=1000(feyrer) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),0(wheel)
    % ssh sudo id
    uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel),2(kmem),3(sys),4(tty),5(operator),20(staff),31(guest)
  7. Next, install database software and import our demo database, just as we did in out local VM:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-dbserver.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [Install mysql] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install MySQL rc.d script] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Start MySQL service] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install python-mysqldb (for mysql_user module)] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Setup DB] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add db-user] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Copy over DB template] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Import DB data] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=8    changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    
    Again, let's see if everything works as expected:
    % ssh
    ip-10-202-65-196: {1} mysql -u webapp -p webapp
    Enter password: ******
    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_webapp |
    | names            |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from names;
    | id | first  | last |
    |  1 | Donald | Duck |
    |  2 | Daisy  | Duck |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> exit
    ip-10-202-65-196: {2} exit
    Connection to closed.
  8. Last, add Apache+PHP and our small demo web-application:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-webserver.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [Installing ap24-php53 package and dependencies] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Apache rc.d script] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable and start Apache service] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PHP in Apache config file] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'re': 'LoadModule.*', 'l': 'LoadModule php5_module lib/httpd/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': 'AddHandler.*x-httpd-php', 'l': 'AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php'})
    TASK: [Make Apache read index.php] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add simple PHP test - see] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install phpmyadmin] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable phpmyadmin in Apache config] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Fix Apache access control for phpmyadmin] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PHP modules in PHP config file] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    TASK: [Create directory for webapp] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Deploy example webapp] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Create webapp symlink for easy access] ********************* 
    changed: []
    NOTIFIED: [restart apache] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=14   changed=14   unreachable=0    failed=0    
  9. Test!
    % links -dump
                                       It works!
    % links -dump
       PHP Logo                                                                   
                                   PHP Version 5.3.17                             
       System          NetBSD ip-10-202-65-196.ec2.internal 6.0.1 NetBSD 6.0.1    
                       (XEN3PAE_DOMU) i386                                        
       Build Date      Dec 14 2012 10:31:13                                       
    % links -dump
       Showing table hf.names:
       | id | first  | last |
       | 1  | Donald | Duck |
       | 2  | Daisy  | Duck |
       Enter new values:
       first:     _____________________ 
       last:      _____________________ 
       [ Submit ] 
  10. At this point, everything is setup and can be enjoyed. If the instance is needed no longer, it can be terminated:
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-d77272ad      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-9fafc2f2      ami-5d0f8034       ...
    % euca-terminate-instances i-9fafc2f2
    INSTANCE        i-9fafc2f2
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-d77272ad      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-9fafc2f2      ami-5d0f8034                    terminated      eucaHF  ...
What's next on my journey is to put database and webserver into separate VMs. First one of each, and then see if I find the nerve to look into a setup with more redundancy.

Shameless plug: I'll talk about the ansible and euca2ools packages at pkgsrcCon 2013 in Berlin. Join in if you're curious about what the actual playbooks used in the above examples look like!

[Tags: , , , , , , ]

[20130314] Ansible, EC2 and NetBSD milestone 2 reached: Instance preparation and communication
On my quest to use Ansible to get a NetBSD virtual machine into Amazon's EC2 cloud, I've previously described how I use ansible to prepare a local machine. Working from a basic NetBSD setup, the system is setup for basic operation, the configured as both a database server and a Web/PHP server to serve a small demo application.

Now the next step is to replace the VM with an Amazon EC2 instance. I have previously written about how to manage Amazon/EC2 NetBSD instances, and here are the steps that I make to first prepare an EC2 instance with NetBSD and Ansible, and then use a regular Ansible playbook to talk to all my EC2 instances. Note that the connection between the machines setup via euca2ools and ansible is in the security group names. In this case, the security group "ec2-webservers" is assumed to exist.

  1. Make sure SSH agent runs and has the EC2 SSH-key added:
    % ssh-add -l
    Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
    % eval `ssh-agent`
    Agent pid 9304
    % ssh-add -l
    The agent has no identities.
    % ssh-add .../key-ec2HF.pem 
    Identity added: ../../euca2ools/key-ec2HF.pem (../../euca2ools/key-ec2HF.pem)
    % ssh-add -l
    2048 d5:25:19:3d:59:40:35:32:03:f7:c5:83:de:19:b6:d0 ../../euca2ools/key-ec2HF.pem (RSA)
  2. When using a VM to talk to EC2, pay special attention that it has the correct time, else funny things will happen:
    % date
    Sun Mar 10 14:42:33 CET 2013
  3. Setup the ec2-webservers security (firewall) group. This is used both when creating the EC2 instances, and when accessing them. It's the link between EC2 and Ansible's script.
    % euca-add-group -d 'Web servers' ec2-webservers
    % euca-authorize -P tcp -p 80-80 -s ec2-webservers
    % euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22-22 -s ec2-webservers
    % euca-authorize -P icmp -s ec2-webservers
    % euca-describe-groups
    GROUP   sg-a854b3c3     749335780469    ec2-webservers  Web servers
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  tcp     22      22     FROM     CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  tcp     80      80     FROM     CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  icmp    -1      -1     FROM     CIDR
  4. List out EC2 instances:
    % euca-describe-instances
    None so far.

  5. Let's use our playbook to prepare our first EC2 instance:
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare1vm.yml
    PLAY [localhost] ********************* 
    TASK: [Launch new EC2 instance] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Give the system 30 seconds to boot up] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Get rid of SSH "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" query] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Fix /usr/ to run pkgin with -y] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'install /usr/ /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod +w /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'sed "s,bin/pkgin update,bin/pkgin -y update," </usr/ >/usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod -w /usr/'})
    TASK: [Install pkgin via /usr/] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': u'env PATH=/usr/sbin:${PATH} /usr/ binpkg'})
    TASK: [Copy over Ansible binary package] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Ansible dependencies] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Ansible package (manually)] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Setup lame /usr/bin/python symlink] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP *********************                      : ok=9    changed=9    unreachable=0    failed=0    
  6. There we go. Let's list it:
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-bb3b6ac1      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-2cb9a45f      ami-a754dbce \
    	ip-10-243-150-74.ec2.internal   running ec2HF  0               t1.micro        \
    	2013-03-10T13:47:32.000Z        us-east-1a      aki-825ea7eb                    \
    	monitoring-disabled                   ebs                                                                     
  7. That worked - excellent! Let's add a few more, just for kicks:
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare1vm.yml >&/dev/null & 
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare1vm.yml >&/dev/null & 
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare1vm.yml >&/dev/null & 
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare1vm.yml >&/dev/null & 
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare1vm.yml >&/dev/null & 
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-bb3b6ac1      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-2cb9a45f      ami-a754dbce \
    	ip-10-243-150-74.ec2.internal   running ec2HF  0               t1.micro        \
    	2013-03-10T13:47:32.000Z        us-east-1a      aki-825ea7eb                    \
    	monitoring-disabled                   ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-8b3c6df1      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-7cb5a80f      ami-a754dbce \
    	ip-10-203-73-195.ec2.internal   running ec2HF  0               t1.micro        \
    	2013-03-10T13:50:48.000Z        us-east-1a      aki-825ea7eb                    \
    	monitoring-disabled                   ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-733f6e09      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-42b5a831      ami-a754dbce        \
    	ip-10-116-37-145.ec2.internal   running ec2HF  0               t1.micro        \
    	2013-03-10T13:50:54.000Z        us-east-1a      aki-825ea7eb                    \
    	monitoring-disabled                   ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-713f6e0b      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-40b5a833      ami-a754dbce      \
    	ip-10-195-47-153.ec2.internal   running ec2HF  0               t1.micro        \
    	2013-03-10T13:50:54.000Z        us-east-1a      aki-825ea7eb                    \
    	monitoring-disabled                   ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-773f6e0d      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-46b5a835      ami-a754dbce      \
    	ip-10-194-7-72.ec2.internal     running ec2HF  0               t1.micro        \
    	2013-03-10T13:50:54.000Z        us-east-1a      aki-825ea7eb                    \
    	monitoring-disabled                     ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-b72475cd      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-b2adb0c1      ami-a754dbce        \
    	domU-12-31-39-14-C6-CB.compute-1.internal       running ec2HF  0               t1.micro        \
    	2013-03-10T13:55:24.000Z        us-east-1d      aki-825ea7eb                    \
    	monitoring-disabled                   ebs                                                                     
  8. Let's talk to our EC2 instances now. For that, we use the script, which enumerates all instances:
    % ./ --list
      "i-2cb9a45f": [
      "i-40b5a833": [
      "i-42b5a831": [
      "i-46b5a835": [
      "i-7cb5a80f": [
      "i-b2adb0c1": [
      "key_ec2HF": [
      "security_group_ec2-webservers": [
      "type_t1_micro": [
      "us-east-1": [
      "us-east-1a": [
      "us-east-1d": [
  9. can also give us information about one instance:
    % ./ --host
      "ec2__in_monitoring_element": false, 
      "ec2_ami_launch_index": "0", 
      "ec2_architecture": "x86_64", 
      "ec2_client_token": "", 
      "ec2_dns_name": "", 
      "ec2_eventsSet": "", 
      "ec2_group_name": "", 
      "ec2_hypervisor": "xen", 
      "ec2_id": "i-2cb9a45f", 
      "ec2_image_id": "ami-a754dbce", 
      "ec2_instanceState": "", 
      "ec2_instance_type": "t1.micro", 
      "ec2_ip_address": "", 
      "ec2_item": "", 
      "ec2_kernel": "aki-825ea7eb", 
      "ec2_key_name": "ec2HF", 
      "ec2_launch_time": "2013-03-10T13:47:32.000Z", 
      "ec2_monitored": false, 
      "ec2_monitoring": "", 
      "ec2_networkInterfaceSet": "", 
      "ec2_persistent": false, 
      "ec2_placement": "us-east-1a", 
      "ec2_platform": "", 
      "ec2_previous_state": "", 
      "ec2_private_dns_name": "ip-10-243-150-74.ec2.internal", 
      "ec2_private_ip_address": "", 
      "ec2_public_dns_name": "", 
      "ec2_ramdisk": "", 
      "ec2_reason": "", 
      "ec2_region": "us-east-1", 
      "ec2_requester_id": "", 
      "ec2_root_device_name": "/dev/sda1", 
      "ec2_root_device_type": "ebs", 
      "ec2_security_group_ids": "sg-a854b3c3", 
      "ec2_security_group_names": "ec2-webservers", 
      "ec2_shutdown_state": "", 
      "ec2_spot_instance_request_id": "", 
      "ec2_state": "running", 
      "ec2_state_code": 16, 
      "ec2_state_reason": "", 
      "ec2_subnet_id": "", 
      "ec2_tenancy": "default", 
      "ec2_virtualization_type": "paravirtual", 
      "ec2_vpc_id": ""
  10. Now let's use a regular playbook with the script to get a list of all instances in the 'ec2-webservers' group and then use ansible's ping module on all of them:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-basic.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    GATHERING FACTS ********************* 
    ok: []
    ok: []
    ok: []
    ok: []
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [ping] ********************* 
    ok: []
    ok: []
    ok: []
    ok: []
    ok: []
    ok: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
  11. Finally, clean up and use euca-terminate-instance to delete all instances:
    % euca-describe-instances | grep INSTANCE | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -n 1 euca-terminate-instances
    INSTANCE        i-60829f13
    INSTANCE        i-2cb9a45f
    INSTANCE        i-7cb5a80f
    INSTANCE        i-42b5a831
    INSTANCE        i-40b5a833
    INSTANCE        i-46b5a835
    INSTANCE        i-b2adb0c1
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-bb3b6ac1      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-2cb9a45f      ami-a754dbce                    terminated      ec2HF  \
    	0               t1.micro        2013-03-10T13:47:32.000Z        us-east-1a      \
    	aki-825ea7eb                    monitoring-disabled                                     ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-8b3c6df1      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-7cb5a80f      ami-a754dbce                    terminated      ec2HF  \
    	0               t1.micro        2013-03-10T13:50:48.000Z        us-east-1a      \
    	aki-825ea7eb                    monitoring-disabled                                     ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-733f6e09      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-42b5a831      ami-a754dbce                    terminated      ec2HF  \
    	0               t1.micro        2013-03-10T13:50:54.000Z        us-east-1a      \
    	aki-825ea7eb                   monitoring-disabled                                     ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-713f6e0b      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-40b5a833      ami-a754dbce                    terminated      ec2HF  \
    	0               t1.micro        2013-03-10T13:50:54.000Z        us-east-1a      \
    	aki-825ea7eb                    monitoring-disabled                                     ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-773f6e0d      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-46b5a835      ami-a754dbce                    terminated      ec2HF  \
    	0               t1.micro        2013-03-10T13:50:54.000Z        us-east-1a      \
    	aki-825ea7eb                    monitoring-disabled                                     ebs                                                                     
    RESERVATION     r-b72475cd      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-b2adb0c1      ami-a754dbce                    terminated      ec2HF  \
    	0               t1.micro        2013-03-10T13:55:24.000Z        us-east-1d      \
    	aki-825ea7eb                    monitoring-disabled                                     ebs                                                             
  12. The terminated instances will be removed by EC2 eventually, and you can start all over.
With the above steps and the previous work to use Ansible to setup a NetBSD system with basic configuration as database- and webserver the next step is to put those two things together, and get a (single) NetBSD machine into the Amazon cloud that serves as both database and webserver.

Let's stay tune for this to happen!

Shameless plug: I'll talk about the ansible and euca2ools packages at pkgsrcCon 2013 in Berlin. Join in if you're curious about what the actual playbooks used in the above examples look like!

References: CapsUnlock blog post, CentOS Wiki.

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[20130310] Talking to the cloud
After some more hacking, I have a basic understanding of how to start Amazon NetBSD EC2 instances using Ansible, fix the instances so they can be used as targets for further Ansible commands, and then actually talking to my herd of happy instances.

Here's a teaser:

  1. Start EC2 instances, put them into ec2-webservers group. Repeat the following command for more than one instance:
    % ansible -i hosts-HF localhost -m ec2 -a 'image=ami-a754dbce instance_type=t1.micro \
    key_name=eucaHF group=ec2-webservers'
  2. Prepare instances for Ansible (omitted - needs cleanup & automation)

  3. Use Ansible to ping all servers in the ec2-webservers group:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-basic.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    GATHERING FACTS ********************* 
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [ping] ********************* 
    ok: []
    ok: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    

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[20120420] More dmesg pr0n: NetBDS/Xen with 128 (virtual) CPUs
There was discussion about raising the number of CPU(core)s supported by NetBSD the other day, as the current limit of 32 isn't the sky any more in 2012. In the process, Xen-hacker Manuel Bouyer suggested using booting NetBSD ins a Xen DomU, as you can assign up to 128 (virtual) cores to a DomU.

Here's the dmesg output, and I'm sure this is a lot faster than simulating 128 CPUs in qemu.

So, how to go beyone 128 CPUs for testing? Anyone played with Qemu recently, or even have some decent hardware at hand? If so, be sure to post dmesg output (and CC: me)!

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checkpointing, china, christos, cisco, cloud, clt, cobalt, coccinelle, codian, colossus, common-criteria, community, compat, compiz, compsci, concept04, config, console, contest, copyright, core, cortina, coverity, cpu, cradlepoint, cray, crosscompile, crunchgen, cryptography, csh, cu, cuneiform, curses, curtain, cuwin, cvs, cvs-digest, cvsup, cygwin, daemon, daemonforums, daimer, danger, darwin, data, date, dd, debian, debugging, dell, desktop, devd, devfs, devotionalia, df, dfd_keeper, dhcp, dhcpcd, dhcpd, dhs, diezeit, digest, digests, dilbert, dirhash, disklabel, distcc, dmesg, Docs, Documentation, donations, draco, dracopkg, dragonflybsd, dreamcast, dri, driver, drivers, drm, dsl, dst, dtrace, dvb, ec2, eclipse, eeepc, eeepca, ehci, ehsm, eifel, elf, em64t, Embedded, embedded, emips, emulate, encoding, envsys, eol, espresso, etcupdate, etherip, euca2ools, eucalyptus, eurobsdcon, eurosys, Events, exascale, ext3, f5, facebook, falken, fan, faq, fatbinary, features, fefe, ffs, filesystem, fileysstem, firefox, firewire, fireworks, flag, flash, flashsucks, flickr, flyer, fmslabs, force10, fortunes, fosdem, fpga, freebsd, freedarwin, freescale, freex, freshbsd, friendlyAam, friendlyarm, fritzbox, froscamp, fsck, fss, fstat, ftp, ftpd, fujitsu, fun, fundraising, funds, funny, fuse, fusion, g4u, g5, galaxy, games, gcc, gdb, gentoo, geode, getty, gimstix, git, gnome, google, google-soc, googlecomputeengine, gpio, gpl, gprs, gracetech, gre, groff, groupwise, growfs, grub, gumstix, guug, gzip, hackathon, hackbench, hal, hanoi, happabsd, Hardware, hardware, haze, hdaudio, heat, heimdal, hf6to4, hfblog, hfs, history, hosting, hotplug, hp, hp700, hpcarm, hpcsh, hpux, html, httpd, hubertf, hurd, i18n, i386, i386pkg, ia64, ian, ibm, ids, ieee, ifwatchd, igd, iij, image, images, imx233, imx7, information, init, initrd, install, intel, interix, internet2, interview, interviews, io, ioccc, iostat, ipbt, ipfilter, ipmi, ipplug, ipsec, ipv6, irbsd, irc, irix, iscsi, isdn, iso, isp, itojun, jail, jails, japanese, java, javascript, jetson, jibbed, jihbed, jobs, jokes, journaling, kame, kauth, kde, kerberos, kergis, kernel, keyboardcolemak, kirkwood, kitt, kmod, kolab, kvm, kylin, l10n, landisk, laptop, laptops, law,, ldap, lehmanns, lenovo, lfs, libc, license, licensing, linkedin, links, linksys, linux, linuxtag, live-cd, lkm, localtime, locate.updatedb, logfile, logging, logo, logos, lom, lte, lvm, m68k, macmini, macppc, macromedia, magicmouse, mahesha, mail, makefs, malo, mame, manpages, marvell, matlab, maus, max3232, mbr95, mbuf, mca, mdns, mediant, mediapack, meetbsd, mercedesbenz, mercurial, mesh, meshcube, mfs, mhonarc, microkernel, microsoft, midi, mini2440, miniroot, minix, mips, mirbsd, missile, mit, mixer, mobile-ip, modula3, modules, money, mouse, mp3, mpls, mprotect, mtftp, mult, multics, multilib, multimedia, music, mysql, named, nas, nasa, nat, ncode, ncq, ndis, nec, nemo, neo1973, netbook, netboot, netbsd,, nethack, nethence, netksb, netstat, netwalker, networking, neutrino, nforce, nfs, nis, npf, npwr, nroff, nslu2, nspluginwrapper, ntfs-3f, ntp, nullfs, numa, nvi, nvidia, nycbsdcon, office, ofppc, ohloh, olimex, olinuxino, olpc, onetbsd, openat, openbgpd, openblocks, openbsd, opencrypto, opendarwin, opengrok, openmoko, openoffice, openpam, openrisk, opensolaris, openssl, or1k, oracle, oreilly, oscon, osf1, osjb, paas, packages, pad, pae, pam, pan, panasonic, parallels, pascal, patch, patents, pax, paypal, pc532, pc98, pcc, pci, pdf, pegasos, penguin, performance, pexpect, pf, pfsync, pgx32, php, pie, pike, pinderkent, pkg_install, pkg_select, pkgin, pkglint, pkgmanager, pkgsrc,, pkgsrccon, pkgsrcCon, Platforms, plathome, pleiades, pocketsan, podcast, pofacs, politics, polls, polybsd, portability, posix, postinstall, power3, powernow, powerpc, powerpf, pppoe, precedence, preemption, prep, presentations, prezi, Products, products, proplib, protectdrive, proxy, ps, ps3, psp, psrset, pthread, ptp, ptyfs, Publications, puffs, puredarwin, pxe, qemu, qnx, qos, qt, quality-management, quine, quote, quotes, r-project, ra5370, radio, radiotap, raid, raidframe, rants, raptor, raq, raspberrypi, rc.d, readahead, realtime, record, refuse, reiserfs, Release, Releases, releases, releng, reports, resize, restore, ricoh, rijndael, rip, riscos, rng, roadmap, robopkg, robot, robots, roff, rootserver, rotfl, rox, rs323, rs6k, rss, ruby, rump, rzip, sa, safenet, san, sata, savin, sbsd, scampi, scheduler, scheduling, schmonz, sco, screen, script, sdf, sdtemp, secmodel, Security, security, sed, segvguard, seil, sendmail, serial, serveraptor, sfu, sge, sgi, sgimips, sh, sha2, shark, sharp, shisa, shutdown, sidekick, size, slackware, slashdot, slides, slit, smbus, smp, sockstat, soekris, softdep, softlayer, software, solaris, sony, sound, source, source-changes, spanish, sparc, sparc64, spider, spreadshirt, spz, squid, ssh, sshfs, ssp, statistics, stereostream, stickers, storage, stty, studybsd, subfile, sudbury, sudo, summit, sun, sun2, sun3, sunfire, sunpci, support, sus, suse, sushi, susv3, svn, swcrypto, symlinks, sysbench, sysctl, sysinst, sysjail, syslog, syspkg, systat, systrace, sysupdate, t-shirt, tabs, talks, tanenbaum, tape, tcp, tcp/ip, tcpdrop, tcpmux, tcsh, teamasa, tegra, teredo, termcap, terminfo, testdrive, testing, tetris, tex, TeXlive, thecus, theopengroup, thin-client, thinkgeek, thorpej, threads, time, time_t, timecounters, tip, tk1, tme, tmp, tmpfs, tnf, toaster, todo, toolchain, top, torvalds, toshiba, touchpanel, training, translation, tso, tty, ttyrec, tulip, tun, tuning, uboot, ucom, udf, ufs, ukfs, ums, unetbootin, unicos, unix, updating, upnp, uptime, usb, usenix, useradd, userconf, userfriendly, usermode, usl, utc, utf8, uucp, uvc, uvm, valgrind, vax, vcfe, vcr, veriexec, vesa, video, videos, virtex, virtualization, vm, vmware, vnd, vobb, voip, voltalinux, vpn, vpnc, vulab, w-zero3, wallpaper, wapbl, wargames, wasabi, webcam, webfwlog, wedges, wgt624v3, wiki, willcom, wimax, window, windows, winmodem, wireless, wizd, wlan, wordle, wpa, wscons, wstablet, X,, x11, x2apic, xbox, xcast, xen, Xen, xfree, xfs, xgalaxy, xilinx, xkcd, xlockmore, xmms, xmp, xorg, xscale, youos, youtube, zaurus, zdump, zfs, zlib

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer