hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20130321] Ansible, EC2 and NetBSD milestone 3 reached: Web and database in the cloud
With the previous work on setting up a local VM as database and web server and setting up a Xen VM in Amazon's EC2 cloud combined, it is pretty straight forward to setup a EC2 instance that has all the software to serve a simple web application from the cloud.

The single steps are:

  1. Prepare the environment with proper time, SSH agent and EC2 firewall groups
  2. Setup EC2 instance with pkgin and ansible
  3. Do basic preparations to meet our standards for logins, shells and general usability and security
  4. Setup database server with DB software, user and import of data
  5. Setup web server with all the software and some demo application
The following details show all the commands can and their output in more detail:

  1. Make sure time is set properly - needed when talking to Amazon EC2:
    % sudo sh /etc/rc.d/ntpd stop
    ntpd not running? (check /var/run/
    % sudo sh /etc/rc.d/ntpdate restart
    Setting date via ntp.
    % sudo sh /etc/rc.d/ntpd start
    Starting ntpd.
    % date
    Sat Mar 16 16:46:19 CET 2013
  2. Teach our EC2 SSH key to SSH agent, so we don't have to type a password (which we don't know anyways - EC2 only works with SSH keys):
    % ssh-add -l
    Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
    % eval `ssh-agent`
    Agent pid 10467
    % ssh-add -l
    The agent has no identities.
    % ssh-add ../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem
    Identity added: ../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem (../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem)
    % ssh-add -l
    2048 d5:25:19:3d:59:40:35:32:03:f7:c5:83:de:19:b6:d0 ../../euca2ools/key-eucaHF.pem (RSA)
  3. Check security (firewall) groups - those are stored in EC2, and we have previously set them up:
    % euca-describe-groups
    GROUP   sg-a854b3c3     749335780469    ec2-webservers  Web servers
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  tcp     22      22      FROM    CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  tcp     80      80      FROM    CIDR
    PERMISSION      749335780469    ec2-webservers  ALLOWS  icmp    -1      -1      FROM    CIDR
  4. See if there are any EC2 instances running:
    % euca-describe-instances
    No - that's fine, we are about to change that!

  5. Run first playbook to launch EC2 instance and prepare it for using with ansible:
    % ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-ec2-prepare1vm.yml
    PLAY [localhost] ********************* 
    TASK: [Launch new EC2 instance] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Give the system 30 seconds to boot up] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Get rid of SSH "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" query] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Fix /usr/ to run pkgin with -y] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'install /usr/ /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod +w /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'sed "s,bin/pkgin update,bin/pkgin -y update," /usr/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': 'chmod -w /usr/'})
    TASK: [Install pkgin via /usr/] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'cmd': u'env PATH=/usr/sbin:${PATH} /usr/ binpkg'})
    TASK: [Copy over Ansible binary package] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Ansible dependencies] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Ansible package (manually)] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Setup lame /usr/bin/python symlink] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP *********************                      : ok=9    changed=9    unreachable=0    failed=0    
    We now have a EC2 instance running that has Ansible installed:
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-d77272ad      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-9fafc2f2      ami-5d0f8034 ...
  6. With this EC2 instance, we can do some basic preparations for our standards, e.g. a login without requiring root (and while there, actually disable allowing as root), setup sudo and a proper shell:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-basic.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [ping] ********************* 
    ok: []
    TASK: [Install tcsh] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add user feyrer] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Create ~feyrer/.ssh directory] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable ssh login with ssh-key] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install sudo] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PW-less sudo-access for everyone in group 'wheel'] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Disable ssh logins as root] ********************* 
    ok: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=8    changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    
    Let's have a look if things actually work:
    % ssh id
    uid=1000(feyrer) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),0(wheel)
    % ssh id
    uid=1000(feyrer) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),0(wheel)
    % ssh sudo id
    uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel),2(kmem),3(sys),4(tty),5(operator),20(staff),31(guest)
  7. Next, install database software and import our demo database, just as we did in out local VM:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-dbserver.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [Install mysql] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install MySQL rc.d script] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Start MySQL service] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install python-mysqldb (for mysql_user module)] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Setup DB] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add db-user] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Copy over DB template] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Import DB data] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=8    changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    
    Again, let's see if everything works as expected:
    % ssh
    ip-10-202-65-196: {1} mysql -u webapp -p webapp
    Enter password: ******
    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_webapp |
    | names            |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from names;
    | id | first  | last |
    |  1 | Donald | Duck |
    |  2 | Daisy  | Duck |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> exit
    ip-10-202-65-196: {2} exit
    Connection to closed.
  8. Last, add Apache+PHP and our small demo web-application:
    % env ANSIBLE_HOSTS=./ ansible-playbook config-ec2-webserver.yml
    PLAY [security_group_ec2-webservers] ********************* 
    TASK: [Installing ap24-php53 package and dependencies] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install Apache rc.d script] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable and start Apache service] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PHP in Apache config file] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'re': 'LoadModule.*', 'l': 'LoadModule php5_module lib/httpd/'})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': 'AddHandler.*x-httpd-php', 'l': 'AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php'})
    TASK: [Make Apache read index.php] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Add simple PHP test - see] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Install phpmyadmin] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable phpmyadmin in Apache config] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Fix Apache access control for phpmyadmin] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Enable PHP modules in PHP config file] ********************* 
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
    TASK: [Create directory for webapp] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Deploy example webapp] ********************* 
    changed: []
    TASK: [Create webapp symlink for easy access] ********************* 
    changed: []
    NOTIFIED: [restart apache] ********************* 
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=14   changed=14   unreachable=0    failed=0    
  9. Test!
    % links -dump
                                       It works!
    % links -dump
       PHP Logo                                                                   
                                   PHP Version 5.3.17                             
       System          NetBSD ip-10-202-65-196.ec2.internal 6.0.1 NetBSD 6.0.1    
                       (XEN3PAE_DOMU) i386                                        
       Build Date      Dec 14 2012 10:31:13                                       
    % links -dump
       Showing table hf.names:
       | id | first  | last |
       | 1  | Donald | Duck |
       | 2  | Daisy  | Duck |
       Enter new values:
       first:     _____________________ 
       last:      _____________________ 
       [ Submit ] 
  10. At this point, everything is setup and can be enjoyed. If the instance is needed no longer, it can be terminated:
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-d77272ad      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-9fafc2f2      ami-5d0f8034       ...
    % euca-terminate-instances i-9fafc2f2
    INSTANCE        i-9fafc2f2
    % euca-describe-instances
    RESERVATION     r-d77272ad      749335780469    ec2-webservers
    INSTANCE        i-9fafc2f2      ami-5d0f8034                    terminated      eucaHF  ...
What's next on my journey is to put database and webserver into separate VMs. First one of each, and then see if I find the nerve to look into a setup with more redundancy.

Shameless plug: I'll talk about the ansible and euca2ools packages at pkgsrcCon 2013 in Berlin. Join in if you're curious about what the actual playbooks used in the above examples look like!

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[20130228] Ansible and NetBSD milestone 1 reached: playbooks for system config, web+db servers
In my quest to play with Ansible, I've reached my first milestone: I now have playbooks that take a basic NetBSD installation, configure it into a usable base installation, and then add a MySQL database, Apache and PHP to use it as webserver, and then deploy a simple web application.

The playbooks are too emberassing to publish, but here are the steps to get things going:

  1. Setup NetBSD 6.0 with "base" and "etc" set, also add "pkgin" from menu
  2. Allow root logins via ssh (for a start, will be changed later)
  3. Install ansible-1.0nb1 binary package with all its depends
  4. From a management station, run: ansible-playbook -k -i hosts-HF config-netbsd-basic.yml
  5. Then, run: ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-netbsd-dbserver.yml
  6. Last, run: ansible-playbook -i hosts-HF config-netbsd-webserver.yml
After that, a simple "phptest()" page, phpmyadmin and my simple PHP-based web application can be run. Administration of the system is via SSH and sudo, root logins were disabled in the first ansible playbook.

Now to tweak the ansible playbooks to look less ugly, use variables, and then separate database and webserver into two separate machines - all in preparation to move them into the Amazon EC2 cloud. Stay tuned!

For the record, here's a log of the three ansible playbooks above, starting from my basic NetBSD installation that already has pkgin and ansible:

% ansible-playbook -k -i hosts-HF config-netbsd-basic.yml
SSH password: 

PLAY [netbsd] ********************* 

GATHERING FACTS ********************* 
ok: []

TASK: [Install tcsh] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Add user feyrer] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Create ~feyrer/.ssh directory] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Enable ssh login with ssh-key] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Install sudo] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Enable PW-less sudo-access for everyone in group 'wheel'] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Disable ssh logins as root] ********************* 
changed: []

NOTIFIED: [restart sshd] ********************* 
changed: []

PLAY RECAP *********************                     : ok=9    changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    

% ansible-playbook    -i hosts-HF config-netbsd-dbserver.yml

PLAY [dbservers] ********************* 

GATHERING FACTS ********************* 
ok: []

TASK: [Install mysql] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Install MySQL rc.d script] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Start MySQL service] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Install python-mysqldb (for mysql_user module)] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Setup DB] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Add db-user] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Copy over DB template] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Import DB data] ********************* 
changed: []

PLAY RECAP *********************                     : ok=9    changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    

%% ansible-playbook    -i hosts-HF config-netbsd-webserver.yml

PLAY [webservers] ********************* 

GATHERING FACTS ********************* 
ok: []

TASK: [Installing ap24-php53 package and dependencies] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Install Apache rc.d script] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Enable and start Apache service] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Enable PHP in Apache config file] ********************* 
changed: [] => (item={'re': 'LoadModule.*', 'l': 'LoadModule php5_module lib/httpd/'})
changed: [] => (item={'re': 'AddHandler.*x-httpd-php', 'l': 'AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php'})

TASK: [Make Apache read index.php] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Add simple PHP test - see] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Install phpmyadmin] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Enable phpmyadmin in Apache config] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Enable PHP modules in PHP config file] ********************* 
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'re': '^extension.*', 'l': ''})

TASK: [Fix Apache access control] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Create directory for webapp] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Deploy example webapp] ********************* 
changed: []

TASK: [Create webapp symlink for easy access] ********************* 
changed: []

NOTIFIED: [restart apache] ********************* 
changed: []

PLAY RECAP *********************                     : ok=15   changed=14   unreachable=0    failed=0    

% links -dump
   Showing table hf.names:

   | id | first  | last |
   | 1  | Donald | Duck |
   | 2  | Daisy  | Duck |


   Enter new values:

   first:     _____________________ 
   last:      _____________________ 
   [ Submit ] 


, , , , , ]

[20090417] Googling for the NetBSD advertizing clause finds ... products based on NetBSD!
NetBSD used to publish code under a license that asks people to mention that they use NetBSD code if they do so. Now searching for the corresponding license string on Google scores about 20.000 hits, and there a number of hits in that that lead to products which use NetBSD that I haven't seen before yet:
  • Codian IP VCR 2200 Series: ``The IP VCR 2200 series of IP Video Conference Recorders allow you to record video and slides from standard video conferencing equipment. The content can be streamed live or played back on demand at multiple speeds to a PC or any video conferencing endpoint. '' [license notice]

  • Adobe / Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004: ``Rapidly prototype websites and application interfaces with Adobe® Fireworks® CS4 software. Create and optimize images for the web more quickly and accurately than ever before with an enhanced toolset.'' [license notice]

  • Thecus NAS: ``A look under the hood shows that the N8800 means business. Equipped with eight 3.5" SATA hard disk bays, the N8800 offers massive storage capacity in a 2U rack mount form factor. This combination brings a powerful yet cost-effective network attached storage solution that is perfect for medium-to-large organizations.'' - this one is probably thanks to Wasabi Systems [PDF with license notice]

  • MyProxy: ``MyProxy is open source software for managing X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials (certificates and private keys). MyProxy combines an online credential repository with an online certificate authority to allow users to securely obtain credentials when and where needed.'' [license notice]

  • AudioCodes has several products:
    • MediaPack 20x: ``The MP-20x series of Analog Telephone Adapters are cost-effective, advanced products, which allow the connection of ordinary analog telephones or fax machines to a Voice over Broadband (VoBB) service.''

    • Tulip AC494 ATA: ``The Tulip AC494 ATA is a complete, ready-to-use reference design of an Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) with data routing capabilities. Utilizing AudioCodes field-proven DSP VoIP software and the integrated AC494 System on Chip (SoC), the Tulip AC494 ATA offers OEMs and ODMs an excellent and cost-effective solution for the rapidly growing residential and Small Office / Home Office (SOHO) VoIP market.''

    • Mediant 1000 MSBG: ``The Mediant 1000 MSBG is an all-in-one multi-service access solution for Service Providers offering managed services and distributed Enterprises. This multi-service business gateway is designed to provide converged Voice & Data services for business customers at wire speed, while maintaining SLA parameters for superior voice quality. The Mediant 1000 MSBG is based on AudioCodes? VoIPerfect best-of-breed Media Gateway technology, combined with Enterprise class Session Border Controller, Data & Voice security elements, Data Routing, LAN Switching and WAN Access.''

    See also AudioCodec's license notice.

  • PTP Spider (PRO and zero): ``The SPIDER is a DVR which can record and index a week's worth of broadcasts of up to 8 T.V. channels. The SPIDER is the fast, easy, and cost-effective way to monitor what is being said on television about your organization, products, services, and competitors. '' [Brochure and page with license notice]

  • Fujitsu Apache Web server on BS2000/OSD: ``APACHE Web server is a porting of the APACHE Software Foundation?s APACHE httpd 2.2.8 World Wide Web server and also contains security-related patches.'' [Data sheet with license notice]

    (Side note: Siemens' BS2000 is among the dinosaurs of mainframe operating systems on this planet... seeing NetBSD being used to get modern Open Source software like Apache migrated to such a beast makes me feel funny :-)

  • StereoStream: ``StereoStream streams music from your iTunes library on your Mac over WiFi to your iPhone or iPod Touch. '' [license notice]

    This goes in a long list of software that apparently was made to work on Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch... which are known to make heavy use of NetBSD inside. This goes in the same tradition as there are numerous games for Sony's Playstation which all use NetBSD code.

  • F5 BIG-IP product family: ``BIG-IP product modules let you easily incorporate new functionality -- everything from Web acceleration to topology-based load balancing -- so you can quickly adapt to changing application and business challenges.'' [Features guide with license notice. See also this file from a product reselled by Dell :-]

  • Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Modules SBCEGBESW1 and SBCEGBESW10: ``6 x Ethernet 10Base-T, Ethernet 100Base-TX, Ethernet 1000Base-T, 1 Gbps - dramatically reduces cabling resulting in easier access and service. The modularity of the solution provides plenty of bandwidth and flexibility. '' [See the license notice in the CLI Guide]

So much for now. If you find any notices about NetBSD being used in products - maybe in your new toy's manual - drop me a line.

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netstat, netwalker, networking, neutrino, nforce, nfs, nis, npf, npwr, nroff, nslu2, nspluginwrapper, ntfs-3f, ntp, nullfs, numa, nvi, nvidia, nycbsdcon, office, ofppc, ohloh, olimex, olinuxino, olpc, onetbsd, openat, openbgpd, openblocks, openbsd, opencrypto, opendarwin, opengrok, openmoko, openoffice, openpam, openrisk, opensolaris, openssl, or1k, oracle, oreilly, oscon, osf1, osjb, paas, packages, pad, pae, pam, pan, panasonic, parallels, pascal, patch, patents, pax, paypal, pc532, pc98, pcc, pci, pdf, pegasos, penguin, performance, pexpect, pf, pfsync, pgx32, php, pie, pike, pinderkent, pkg_install, pkg_select, pkgin, pkglint, pkgmanager, pkgsrc,, pkgsrccon, pkgsrcCon, Platforms, plathome, pleiades, pocketsan, podcast, pofacs, politics, polls, polybsd, portability, posix, postinstall, power3, powernow, powerpc, powerpf, pppoe, precedence, preemption, prep, presentations, prezi, Products, products, proplib, protectdrive, proxy, ps, ps3, psp, psrset, pthread, ptp, ptyfs, Publications, puffs, puredarwin, pxe, qemu, qnx, qos, qt, quality-management, quine, quote, quotes, r-project, ra5370, radio, radiotap, raid, raidframe, rants, raptor, raq, raspberrypi, rc.d, readahead, realtime, record, refuse, reiserfs, Release, Releases, releases, releng, reports, resize, restore, ricoh, rijndael, rip, riscos, rng, roadmap, robopkg, robot, robots, roff, rootserver, rotfl, rox, rs323, rs6k, rss, ruby, rump, rzip, sa, safenet, san, sata, savin, sbsd, scampi, scheduler, scheduling, schmonz, sco, screen, script, sdf, sdtemp, secmodel, security, Security, sed, segvguard, seil, sendmail, serial, serveraptor, sfu, sge, sgi, sgimips, sh, sha2, shark, sharp, shisa, shutdown, sidekick, size, slackware, slashdot, slides, slit, smbus, smp, sockstat, soekris, softdep, softlayer, software, solaris, sony, sound, source, source-changes, spanish, sparc, sparc64, spider, spreadshirt, spz, squid, ssh, sshfs, ssp, statistics, stereostream, stickers, storage, stty, studybsd, subfile, sudbury, sudo, summit, sun, sun2, sun3, sunfire, sunpci, support, sus, suse, sushi, susv3, svn, swcrypto, symlinks, sysbench, sysctl, sysinst, sysjail, syslog, syspkg, systat, systrace, sysupdate, t-shirt, tabs, talks, tanenbaum, tape, tcp, tcp/ip, tcpdrop, tcpmux, tcsh, teamasa, tegra, teredo, termcap, terminfo, testdrive, testing, tetris, tex, TeXlive, thecus, theopengroup, thin-client, thinkgeek, thorpej, threads, time, time_t, timecounters, tip, tk1, tme, tmp, tmpfs, tnf, toaster, todo, toolchain, top, torvalds, toshiba, touchpanel, training, translation, tso, tty, ttyrec, tulip, tun, tuning, uboot, ucom, udf, ufs, ukfs, ums, unetbootin, unicos, unix, updating, upnp, uptime, usb, usenix, useradd, userconf, userfriendly, usermode, usl, utc, utf8, uucp, uvc, uvm, valgrind, vax, vcfe, vcr, veriexec, vesa, video, videos, virtex, virtualization, vm, vmware, vnd, vobb, voip, voltalinux, vpn, vpnc, vulab, w-zero3, wallpaper, wapbl, wargames, wasabi, webcam, webfwlog, wedges, wgt624v3, wiki, willcom, wimax, window, windows, winmodem, wireless, wizd, wlan, wordle, wpa, wscons, wstablet, X,, x11, x2apic, xbox, xcast, Xen, xen, xfree, xfs, xgalaxy, xilinx, xkcd, xlockmore, xmms, xmp, xorg, xscale, youos, youtube, zaurus, zdump, zfs, zlib

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer