hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20150702] NetBSD on NVIDIA Jetson TK1 (Tegra K1)
I'm losing count of all those spiffy ARM systems that NetBSD runs on, but here's a fancy one to take note. Quoting shamelessly from Jared McNeill's email, ``Jetson TK1 is a Tegra K1 (quad core Cortex-A15) development board from NVIDIA. Possibly the fastest ARM board that NetBSD supports now.

Still working on HDMI, and need to track down an issue that prevents eMMC from working (but the SD card slot works fine). The board is also capable of USB3 but for now we have routed the USB ports to the USB2 controller.''

Besides being a nice ARM platform, it should not go unnoticed that besides the quad-core ARM Cortex-A15 CPU, the system also has a NVIDIA Kepler GPU with a whopping 192 CUDA cores. Any takers to get those going with NetBSD?

More information is available on the NVIDIA Jetson TK1 page and NVIDIA's embedded computing developers' site . Also, check out the information on how to buy a Jetson TK1 DevKit. Now who's first to upload their dmesg? :-)

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