hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20150304] Google Summer of Code 2015 and NetBSD
Google's "Summer of Code" is a chance for students to get paid to work on Open Source software, with the associated Open Source projects as mentoring organization. Now, the 2015 mentoring organizations have been announced, and I am in a sad position to tell that NetBSD is not among the choosen mentoring organizations this year, again. :-(

Yet, fear not! While NetBSD itself is not in the game, there are plenty of Open Source projects that are close, in the game and that offer projects related to them and NetBSD!

Here's the start of a list:

Feel free to drop me a note if you know about more. As always, interested students are welcome to contact these projects early to get in touch and talk about their ideas.

Good luck! :)

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