hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20131217] Interview with Amitai Schlair
There's a video interview with Amitai 'schmonz' Schlair over at UGtastic. It introduces Amitai as both a member of NetBSD's board of directors as well as a developer of the NetBSD operating system and especially pkgsrc.

The interview starts with NetBSD's history and its relation to today's Unix world and how Amitai got involved with NetBSD and pkgsrc in the first case. He outlines the differences and interrelation with NetBSD as an operating system project, and with pkgsrc as a cross-platform package management project, then tells on what pkgsrc does, is and is not, and for whom pkgsrc offers a good solution. The interview goes into automation, bulk builds and also mentions my pkgsrcCon Ansible talk at one point - kudos! :) Illuminating things from a craftsman's point of view, the look goes back to NetBSD and its advantages to serve as a modern Unix platform for the business, its support of many platforms and especially today virtualization, and also NetBSD's concepts of cross-compiling and "cross-kernel" approaches of RUMP, and the importance of automated kernel tests not crashing an actual machine.

For more information, see and :-)

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