hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20130930] Bugfix releases NetBSD 6.1.2, 6.0.2 and others released
Jeff Rizzo announces that the NetBSD 6.1.2 and NetBSD 6.0.3 patch releases as well as the NetBSD 5.2.1 and NetBSD 5.1.3 patch releases are out. The releases contain security-only changes to the two stable releases maintained by NetBSD in 6.0.3 and 5.1.3 as well as feature updates plus security fixes in 6.1.2 and 5.2.1.

Read the NetBSD 6.1.2 and NetBSD 6.0.3 patch releases">6.x and 5.x release notes for more information.

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