NetBSD 6.0 Fund Drive
Hidden in the
NetBSD 6.0 release notes
is a call for funds:
``Your donation to the NetBSD Foundation allows the project to make major
improvements to the code base. With the release of NetBSD 6.0,
the 6.0 Fund Drive targets raising 60,000 USD by the end of
2012. We would like to continue funded development in various
areas, including:
- Improving network stack concurrency and performance.
- Development of modern file systems and improvement of
existing ones.
- Features which are useful in embedded environments,
such as high resolution timers and execute in place (XIP) support.
- Automatic testing and quality assurance.
We have recently made some changes to the way we accept and honor
your donations. For more information about donating, visit
http://www.NetBSD.org/donations/. The NetBSD Foundation
is a 501(c)(3) organization in the US, and donations may be tax deductible. ''
Very well seconded!
[Tags: Release]