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[20120208] FOSDEM talks/slides: pkgsrc on MirBSD, pkgin (Updated)
Last weekend the Free and Open Software Developer Meeting (FOSDEM) happened. As in previous years, there was a booth manned by people from various BSD-projects, and there were also two(?) talks related to NetBSD and its related project pkgsrc:
  • NetBSD and MirBSD developer Benny Siegert gave a talk titled "pkgsrc on MirBSD" - see his slides! pkgsrc is a framework for packaging and building 3rd party applications from source. Besides MirBSD, it runs on many other platforms like Linux and Mac OS X.
  • While building from source is fine, it costs a lot of time. pkgsrc can also create binary packages, and to manage those, there is "pkgin", a binary package manager. Its developer, Emile 'iMil' Heitor introduced it in a talk - see the slides (PDF)!
Update: Thomas 'wiz' Klausner pointed out that there was actually a whole "BSD Devroom", and there were many BSD-talks there, including:
  • MINIX3 and BSD, by Arun Thomas
  • The Lua Scripting Language in the NetBSD Kernel, by Marc Balmer
  • Touch your NetBSD - towards tablet integration, by Pierre Pronchery
  • pkgsrc on MirBSD, by Benny Siegert (slides)
  • Introduction to pkgsrc, and to package creation in NetBSD, by Noud de Brouwer
  • pkgin, a binary package manager for pkgsrc, also by Emile Heitor (slides)
  • Automated package building, by Nicolas Thauvin
Besides other talks that were less focused on NetBSD/pkgsrc, this event shows that there's a pretty active group of BSD advocates in Europe that manage to advocate "BSD" in its entirety pretty well. Well done, guys!

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