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[20100901] BSD Professional (BSDP) Certification Exam Objectives published
In its mission to create certifications for BSD Un*x systems, the BSD Certification Group has now published the "BSD Professional" (BSDP) certification exam objectives:

`` The 78 page document outlines 11 knowledge domains, each containing a number of objectives, that form the basis of the certification. The document, a collaborative effort by members of the BSD community, is a followup effort to the BSDP Job Task Analysis report published earlier this year.

"The BSDP Certification Requirements Document provides a comprehensive set of objectives that a BSD Professional should master, ranging from general system administration to advanced security and system maintenance," said Babak Farrokhi, a seasoned BSD administrator and author of 'Network Administration with FreeBSD 7'.

Set to launch in 2011, the BSD Professional certification exam has been in development for over two years. Since the launch of the BSD Associate exam in 2008, there has been a continual effort to put together a certification for the next level of achievement for BSD system administrators.

"The BSD Professional certification is aimed at assessing practical skills of senior level BSD system administrators," said Jim Brown, BSDCG board member. "With the publication of these objectives, the BSD Certification Group is aiming to produce a high quality certification, giving the computing industry a new standard for excellence in system administration."

The BSDP Requirements document is available as a downloadable PDF in English''

The publication of the BSDP exam objectives is the next step after the BSD Associate (BSDA) certification exam objectives were published in 2005, which was then followed by quite a number of successful BSDA certifications. See the BSD Certification group's website for more details!

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