hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20091228] Mounting fixed and removable disks with KDE
If you're among the people running KDE, and if you want to be able to have KDE handle removable and fixed disks properly during the HAL subsystem, there's a suggestion by David Brownlee to achieve this.

To get removable devices automatically mounted and a file browser pop up, add the following to /usr/pkg/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf:

        <match action="">
                <return result="yes" />
David writes that ``[w]ith the above plugging in a USB flash drive into my amd64 laptop pops up a notification window, clicking on it opens dolphin, and clicking on the device in dolphin correctly mounted it.''

A similar thing can be achieved for fixed disks, by adding the following data:

        <match action="">
                <return result="yes" />
There are still discussions if/what part of this should be enabled by default, but I think it's nevertheless useful to document this here. Enjoy!

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