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[20090615] Wanted: Testers for ipmi(4) sensor driver update
Paul Goyette writes: `` After the recent update to sysmon_envsys(9) I've started reviewing some of the existing sensor drivers with an eye to providing some enhanced functionality.

The sys/arch/x86/x86/ipmi.c driver is the next candidate on my review list, and it appears that the driver has access to some alarm limits even if they've not been set by userland. Furthermore, it appears that the current driver uses these "built-in" alarm limits for setting the sensor state, overriding any limits that might be specified by the user. [...]

I don't have any ipmi hardware myself, to test these changes, so I'd appreciate it if someone who has ipmi would verify that these changes (a) don't break anything and hopefully (b) successfully implement features 1 & 2 above.''

I'm sure Paul will be happy to hear about your findings with his patch. Get going!

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