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[20090208] Hardware upgrade for * (Updated)
Manuel Bouyer runs french mirrors for FTP, WWW, SUP, AnonCVS and rsync for NetBSD under {ftp,www,sup,anoncvs,rsync} From my personal experience, the services are very stable, fast, and well connected. So far, they all ran on a PIII with 1GHz of CPU, 1GB RAM, a bunch of SCSI disks plus more disks in a SCSI-to-PATA RAID enclosure. Now, there's a hardware upgrade, and the new system is a Dual Athlon64 CPU, 4GB RAM and 3 SATA disks behind an ICP RAID Controller.

Manuel writes that ``The thing is of course running NetBSD/amd64 5.0_RC1 in SMP modehis mail to netbsd-users@ for the full announcement.

Update: My thanks for this great service doesn't only go to Manuel, but also his employer who makes this possible, the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6.

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