Online-articles about NetBSD and pkgsrc configuration
Pierre-Philipp Braun has written articles about
NetBSD configuration
pkgsrc configuration.
NetBSD configuration article talks about basic setup for networking,
ssh, the Message-Of-The-Day, NetBSD's central rc.conf config file,
syslog, crontabs, time synchronization, basic system security and package
management. Following that, he talks about updating the system from
binary snapshots, and outlines further tweaks like softdep,
silencing IDE drives, using CDroms and wscons, changing your shell,
installing a new bootloader and some others. The last part covers
building NetBSD from source.
pkgsrc configuration,
Pierre-Philipp shows how to install packages from binaries
and sources (the main part), and also covers pkgsrc security
and bulk builds.
[Tags: Articles]