Getting pkgsrc going on Solaris 10/x86
The other day I've setup Solaris 10/x86 (not OpenSolaris)
to play with ZFS. That aside, I wanted to get pkgsrc going.
Here's a bit of how I got things going:
There is no precompiled bootstrap kit available for Solaris 10/x86,
only one for some beta version of Solaris 11/x86. Trying that lead
to problems finding the right symbols at runtime and whatnot, and
did not score success. Likewise, installing the precompiled binary
packages that are available for 11/x86 are expected not to work.
(I'll get back to that in a second ;)
As using precompiled binaries wasn't an option, compiling myself
was the only way. Compiling with pkgsrc requires a C compiler, and
The C compiler was installed with Solaris 10/x86, I only had to
find it in /usr/sfw.
For getting pkgsrc, I'd have preferred to use (anon)cvs, but
Solaris doesn't ship a binary for that. So,
grabbing a recent pkgsrc tarball, extracting it (all as non-root -
I do not want to mess up the system by accident!),
things went mostly smooth. To make sure I really have the latest
pkgsrc, I grabbed the cvs binary package for Solaris 11/x86,
untarred it, and used the binary in there to do a "cvs update".
Successfully, I should add.
Next step: boot strap pkgsrc. For future upgrades, I may want to add
other versions of pkgsrc-compiled software, so I'll add simple
versioning and put things into $HOME/pkg1 for now. Bootstrapping this
with the latest pkgsrc was easy:
% set pkgbase=$HOME/pkg1
% sh bootstrap/bootstrap \
? --prefix=${pkgbase} \
? --pkgdbdir=${pkgbase}/var/db/pkg \
? --varbase ${pkgbase}/var \
? --ignore-user-check
This went fine, and I put the following into my .cshrc
to have pkgsrc easily available at any time:
set pkgbase=$HOME/pkg1
set path=($pkgbase/bin $pkgbase/sbin $path)
alias make bmake
alias pi pkg_info
Now, I was able to see that everything's installed properly:
% pkg_info
bootstrap-mk-files-20080808 *.mk files for the bootstrap bmake utility
pdksh-5.2.14nb3 Free clone of the AT&T Korn shell
bmake-20080215nb1 Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility
nawk-20050424nb3 Brian Kernighan's pattern-directed scanning and processing language
nbsed-20040821nb1 NetBSD-current's sed(1)
tnftp-20070806 The enhanced FTP client in NetBSD
pax-20080110 POSIX standard archiver with many extensions
pkg_install-20081013 Package management and administration tools for pkgsrc
digest-20080510 Message digest wrapper utility
Also, installing my favourite test package worked fine
(note that 'make' is aliased to 'bmake', the Solaris /usr/ccs/bin/make
command won't work here, of course):
% cd .../pkgsrc/misc/figlet
% make package
% pkg_info -e figlet
% figlet pkgsrc rocks
_ _
_ __ | | ____ _ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___| | _____
| '_ \| |/ / _` / __| '__/ __| | '__/ _ \ / __| |/ / __|
| |_) | < (_| \__ \ | | (__ | | | (_) | (__| <\__ \
| .__/|_|\_\__, |___/_| \___| |_| \___/ \___|_|\_\___/
|_| |___/
The next test package included the X window system.
Building pkgsrc/x11/xteddy went fine, and starting
it actually game a sweet cuddly teddy bear.
Those two test packages indicate that integral parts of pkgsrc
and its integration into the system work, and I consider it
worth as a base for further platform tests. (Last time I used
pkgsrc on Solaris, it gave me a sweet Firefox binary :)
[Tags: pkgsrc, solaris]