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[20081022] Article: Community Building: NetBSD in Hindsight
Found via BSDnews, the Canadian Open Source Business Ressource article Community Building: NetBSD in Hindsight features four NetBSD developers: ``Prior to the New York City BSD Users Group Conference held in October, 2008, NetBSD developers from across the globe held a face to face meeting for planning and problem solving. Four developers from Sweden, Canada, the US, and Slovakia took a few minutes to think about how the NetBSD community has evolved over the past fifteen years. This article summarizes those perspectives and provides insight into how an open source community maintains development momentum while managing contributions from a large number of volunteers with varying skill levels from across the globe. ''

The developers are

  • Anders Magnusson, long-term VAX hacker and recent PCC maintainer
  • David Maxwell, former security officer
  • Lubomir Sedlacik, who works on pkgsrc release engineering and security, and
  • Jeremy C. Reed, who works on various BSD-related PR projects.
Read the full article for all the details on why NetBSD has built a strong community, and what to learn from that for your own Open Source project.

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