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[20080428] BSD Magazine: 1st issue is out now!
After the DaemonNews paper magazine is long gone, there's a new paper magazine BSD Magazine now! Dru Lavigne lists the contents in her blog article on the mag, shamelessly ripped off here:

  • Dru Lavigne, FreeBSD 7.0 Installation and Configuration
  • Michael Lucas, FreeBSD's bsnmp
  • Jan Stedehouder, Pushing BSD an an Open Source Desktop
  • Svetoslav Chukov, PC-BSD Overview
  • Richard Bejtlich, Sguil 0.7.0 on FreeBSD 7.0
  • Jay Kruizenga, How to Dual-Boot Vista with BSD
  • Peter Hansteen, Keep Smiling, Waste Spammers' Time
  • Henrik Lund Kramshoj, Defense in Depth and FOSS
  • Donald Hayford, NetBSD on the NSLU2
  • Girish Venkatachalam, OpenBSD pf
  • Eric Schnoebelen, Instant Messaging with jabber/XMPP
  • Federico Biancuzzi, Interview with FreeBSD Developer Jeff Roberson
  • Mikel King, What is in a Certification
  • Henrik Lund Kramshoj, Review of the Book of PF
Besides the articles, the mag contains a DVD with FreeBSD 7.0.

I guess this is a very good thing, and an opportunity to show what NetBSD is and can do. I'm sure the publishers will be happy to receive more articles about NetBSD -- contribute!

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