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[20080409] AsiaBSDCon 2008 Papers
AsiaBSDCon 2008 was held in March 2008 in Tokyo, Japan. There werea number of interesting papers and talks, and a number of them had a focus on NetBSD:
  • Christoph Badura: Gaols - Implementing Jails Under the kauth Frameworki (paper)
  • Yuji IMAI, Takahiro KUROSAWA, Koichi SUZUKI, Eiichi MURAMOTO, Katsuomi HAMAJIMA, Hajimu UMEMOTO, and Nobuo KAWAGUTI: BSD implementations of XCAST6 (paper)
  • Antti Kantee: Send and Receive of File System Protocols: Userspace Approach With puffs (paper)
  • Kristaps Džonsons: Logical Resource Isolation in the NetBSD Kernel (paper)
  • Alistair Crooks: A Portable iSCSI Initiator (paper)
  • Jörg Sonnenberger, Jared D. McNeill: Sleeping Beauty---NetBSD on Modern Laptops(slides, paper)

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