hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20080322] Happy birthday, NetBSD!
OK, I'm a bit late on this, but still: NetBSD has turned 15 years old! Alistair Crooks, president of The NetBSD Foundation, sent out the good news: `` The first commits were made to the NetBSD source code repository on March 21, 1993, and the first release of the NetBSD Operating System, NetBSD 0.8, was announced on USENET shortly thereafter. Throughout the past fifteen years, NetBSD has increased the portability and security of the 4.4BSD operating system on which NetBSD was based, and added support for new processor and system families, while enhancing the system's performance to such an extent that NetBSD has become known as the most portable operating system in the world. Innovations in the storage, networking and virtualization arena have been added, and much work has been done recently on performance, especially with multi-core and multi-threaded machines in mind.''

The article continues to name a few of the key items that were part of the latest release, NetBSD 4.0, and the changes that were added after that, and which will be in the next major release, NetBSD 5.0. Also, there are a number of roadmaps for the areas of networking, storage, the NetBSD operating system core, and virtualization.

See Alistair Crooks' announcement for all the details!

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