Article: Waving the flag: NetBSD developers speak about version 4.0
Federico Biancuzzi has collected interviews from more than
twenty NetBSD developers in an
multiple-page article
which talks about what's new in the NetBSD 4.0 release:
- Introduction
- Release engineering, Sendmail, and kauth
- PaX, fileassoc, and Veriexec
- Linux compat, XFree86, pkgsrc, proplib, and Xen
- Filesystems
- iSCSI and optical disc support
- Bluetooth, mobile devices, agr
- Google Summer of Code
- Hackathons and funding
If you have any comments, there's also a
page for comments and discussion available.
[Tags: Articles, bluetooth, google-soc, hackathon, iscsi, kauth, pkgsrc, Release, udf, veriexec, xen]