hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20071121] The NetBSD Core Team: farewell uwe, welcome cube
Alistair Crooks, president of The NetBSD Foundation, has posted that Valeriy 'uwe' Ushakov has stepped down from NetBSD's core group. His place is taken by Quentin 'cube' Garnier.

With that, NetBSD core team consists of:

  • Alistair Crooks (chief of pkgsrc)
  • Quentin Garnier (who's done a lot of userland and kernel work)
  • Yamamoto Takashi (kernel/vm guru)
  • Matt Thomas (kernel and platform expert)
  • Christos Zoulas (groks the kernel and the most nasty parts of userland)

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer