NetBSD updating system
Elad Efrat has
posted about a work he had lingering around
for some time: a NetBSD updating system. It's called "haze"
(as in purple haze), and here's what it does:
``Offer a system to generate binary updates for NetBSD (NOT patches),
install, remove with full "rollback to previous state" support, and
manage them. Simple dependencies are allowed. It also allows
auto-generating security advisories from update data. ''
The process is split between people creating updates, and those
applying them.
Elad's email
for more details.
The system as a whole is at an early stage, but it works for carrying
it further. Personally, I'm curious to see if this is more successful
than "syspkg" and The NetBSD Update System
or if at least it gives more frequently updated
"security releases". We'll see.
[Tags: haze, updating]