hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20070619] The SDF Public Access UNIX System Celebrates 20 Years
Citing from the announcement: ``It was on June 16th, 1987 that the SDF-1 received its first caller at 300bps. This little Apple ][e BBS of the late 80s turned into a Public Access UNIX System with the demise of "" during the "Operation Sundevil" raids. Since then it has grown to become the oldest and largest continually operating PUBNIX on the planet.

Over the years SDF has been a home to 2+ million people from all over the world and has been supported by donations and membership dues. SDFers pride themselves on the fact that theirs is one of the last bastions of "the real INTERNET", out of the reach and scope of the commercialism and advertising of the DOT COM entities. It is a proponent of SMTP greylisting as opposed to content filtering and offers that as an option to its members.

[...] SDF runs NetBSD on a cluster of 12 DEC alphas with 3 BGP'ed T1s linking it to the INTERNET. It is an annual supporter of the NetBSD foundation and the Computer History Museum (CA). [...] ''

I guess there are few ISPs out there that host a comparable setup, esp. one with shell accounts, on NetBSD (Panix comes to mind; If there are others, let me know!).

To learn more about SDF, the Super Dimension Fortress, see the SDF homepage, which includes further links like Java telnet and ssh interfaces (to create your SDF account), s list of installed software packages, a usermap, and a tour with lots of pictures.

Happy Birthday, SDF!

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Disclaimer: All opinion expressed here is purely my own. No responsibility is taken for anything.

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer