hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20070418] NetBSD for printers - Alereon Receives Wireless USB Certification from USB-IF
So now we finally know what NetBSD is for: `` Alereon, Inc., the ultrawideband (UWB) technology leader for mobile WiMedia solutions based on Certified Wireless USB, announced that its AL4000 Wireless USB Chipset comprised of the AL4300 Media Access Controller/BaseBand Processor (MAC/BBP) and AL4100 WiMedia RF Transceiver has completed compliance and certification testing from the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF). The AL4000 Wireless USB Chipset, which has been in full production since January, is now certified as a building block for developing Certified Wireless USB end-user products.

Alereon\u2019s solutions are ideal, because they use limited SoC processing power and work in conjunction with almost any operating system, including NetBSD for printers, microITRON for cameras, Windows Mobile 5 for mobile phones and PDAs, and Embedded Linux for HDTVs.

For more information about Alereon\u2019s Certified Wireless USB solution please visit''

Fun... maybe it's worth noting that -- as far as I understand -- Alereon is the company that makes the software for Ricoh scanner-copiers.

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