hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20070224] German language articles: Systrace, and Deleting Files Safely
Stefan Schumacher has mentioned two of his recent articles and presentations on regional-de:
  1. "Daten sicher löschen" (deleting files safely) talks about deleting files in a secure way. The article also mentions a NetBSD 4.0_BETA2 based Live CD called "NetBSD/Schrubber", an article and slides for a presentation about the topic that Stefan will give at the Chemnitz Linuxdays 2007.

  2. "Systrace" contains an (also german language) introduction on what Systrace is and how to use it, including an article and presentation slides that Stefan gave at the GUUG Spring Talks 2007 and will give at the Chemnitz Linuxdays 2007.
Mmm, NetBSD advocacy at its best! :-)

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