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[20061113] NetBSD Live! CD 2007 available (Updated)
NetBSD doesn't have an official Live CD as part of the project, but there are several ones from 3rd parties. Jörg Braun from the german publisher "Computer und Literaturverlag" (C&L) has previously made a NetBSD Live! CD which was available via the C&L FreeX magazine. Jörg has now updated his Live CD to this millennium's state of NetBSD, and released the 2007 Edition of his NetBSD Live! CD. The CD is based on NetBSD 4.0_BETA/i386 and offers a full desktop environment by using a compressed filesystem, which includes KDE, Abiword, Dia, Inkscape, GIMP, Firefox, xmms and many more.

Please note that the CD was assembled the previous weekend, and that some newssites prematurely announced this. As a result, some people may have a file with the wrong checksum - the correct MD5 hash is "22a7496a2bb37910aeb312d053755a2a".

Thanks to Jörg Braun, Rosa Riebl all the folks at C&L for their longtime support of NetBSD, and also to Michael Schneider, Daniel Sieger, Martin Laubach and Florian Stöhr for their help in translating the German-language README file into english.

The CD is made available for everyone at no cost, please note that commercial distribution requires a license from C&L.

Available files include:


Update: Chris from The Coding Studio let us know that he has a screenshot walkthrough of the Live CD's startup and operation. Show this to everyone who wonders what NetBSD looks like!

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