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[20061024] Report from Systems 2006 @ Munich, Germany, day 1
A few impressions from the first day of Systems 2006:
  • The overall impression was that the first day was pretty quiet - I've noticed people at many booths (not only the Open Source ones, esp. many of the "business" type ones) standing idly, waiting for visitors to come by.

  • At the NetBSD booth there was a moderate stream of people dropping by, which left me enough time to get the NetBSD/Xen showcase going that Daniel Seuffert brought: A 2GHz AMD PC with 2GB RAM, running Xen with five domains: two database domains running PostgreSQL, two "application server" domains running Tomcat and the JPetstore Demo (which access the two PostgreSQL database machines), and one domain for the "client" stuff - KDE, xcon, two Konqueror windows to show the two JPetstores on the two different machines (identified by ther IP address), a Konsole terminal with tabs for Dom0 and the four DomUs as well as some vncviewer windows to show how DomUs can be managed graphically. All domains were running NetBSD, of course.

    Overall the Xen showcase was quite an attraction for people, and overall feedback was very good!

    (A screenshot of that showcase can be found here)

  • FreePascal needs work for porting to NetBSD - they have several options for generating code, ranging from assembling with binutils (possibly setup for crosscompiling!) and linking against libc to emitting code that does bypass libc and issue system calls directly(!!! all in the name of supporting old Linux systems...).

    For a working port, a first step would be to go the "use binutils and libc" way. For that, the equivalent of crt0.o need to be setup. (Now where's the source for crt0.o again?)

  • pointed out that the German language NetBSD entry needs work!!! I also asked Henning Schlottmann about adding our logo to the Wikipedia Deutschland (which was removed twice because we didn't waant to give up our copyright / trademark), and it seems it's added again now! Thanks Henning!

  • People asked why there is no native OpenOffice 2 for NetBSD. Good question - any takers?
So much for now, stay tuned for more news tomorrow, or just drop by at the booth (hall A3, booth A3.542) -- good night!

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer