hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20060906] Irix fading away: no problem with COMPAT_IRIX in NetBSD/sgimips
From the SGI website: ``SGI launched the MIPS/IRIX family of products in 1988. Since then, this technology has powered servers, workstations, and visualization systems used extensively in Manufacturing, Media, Science, Government/Defense, and Energy. After nearly two decades of leading the world in innovation and versatility, the MIPS IRIX products will end their general availability on December 29, 2006.

* MIPS/IRIX End of Production: December 29, 2006''

Well no problem, NetBSD's there to take over, and esp. with the Irix binary compatibility there's nothing to worry about.

Companies interested in getting support contracts for their Irix binaries feel free to talk to the NetBSD Project's management! :-)

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