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[20060831] Book: The OpenBSD PF Packet Filter Book
Subtitled ``PF for NetBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly, and OpenBSD'', this book by NetBSD co-developer Jeremy Reed should be useful for everyone to setup firewalling with PF:

``Stateful packet filtering, Network Address Translation (NAT), port forwarding, passive operating system fingerprinting, packet queueing and Quality of Service, load balancing, and redundant firewalls are available with OpenBSD's PF system. PF is known to be a proven, high-performance, and innovative packet filtering system. The PF sub-systems and related interfaces have been ported to the NetBSD, FreeBSD and DragonFly operating systems. This book introduces the common features and capabilities of PF and its related tools with many examples and steps for configuring and using PF on these operating systems. The book includes ample cross-referencing and a detailed index for easy research and reading.''

Check out the book's website for more information.

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer