hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20060805] Slovak Republik NetBSD site:
Lubomir Kundrak told me on IRC that he has started adding contents to, such as an article on pkgsrc and news in general. Lubomir says that ``The website is intended to support Czech and Slovak *BSD community, by providing space to exchange experience, share knowledge, etc. It will be regularly updated with news and articles regarding BSD in slovak language, individuals can create their blogs here, or discuss issues in discussion forums.

We're still collecting ideas what else could be done to support comunity. As there were efforts to translate the NetBSD guide, in close future we look forward to support these efforts by encouraging people to participate.''

There's still a lot of work to be done, e.g. on graphics. Several people are registered already, and after an article on more people are joining in to add content to the site.

Keep up the good work, guys!

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