Doing some g4u work - FAQs, donations and hopefully a beta RSN
Due to reallife (PhD thesis, my stay in the US, ...) I haven't had
as much time for g4u as I would like to have, but that's the thing with
hobbies. To prevent even more people from guessing if g4u is dead or not,
and to prepare a real release of g4u 2.2, I've whipped the recent changes
to the build system together and hope to release a beta version RSN (actually
it's already done, but I want to run my regression tests on it before
making the beta public - quality is key :-).
In the "cleaning up old mail" department, I have added a new entry to the FAQ
telling people
what FTP server's good
(for those that don't use NetBSD yet :-), and I've added the people that
made donations to the
g4u donations page.
While talking about donations: don't assume I'm getting rich. Many donations
are like $2 to $10, which is nice for some food'n'drinks, but it won't
pay my rent or allow me to devote huge globs of time to this project.
Let me point out one donation in that regard: I always find it interesting
to see questions from companies on the g4u list, asking about hundreds of
machines to clone, and the very latest hardware, but without ever donating
a bit back (hint: a commercial license of a product similar to g4u is like
$50, and now take that * the number of your machines to see what you're
saving. Split that by two and send it to paypal@feyrer.de to give
g4u a bright future!).
Anyways, with all those companies happily using
g4u, I'd like to point out one donation that's very special to me:
A kindergarten school donated $15 for g4u. Working in education myself,
I have a rough impression of how much money they probably have (ie.: none),
and this makes it a very, very nice donation to me. Thanks a lot!
[Tags: g4u, rants]