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[20060330] Announcement: AMD64 gains real-time BSD SMP
From a Linuxdevices article: `` FSMLabs announced Wednesday that it is shipping SMP (symmetric multi-processing) support for AMD's 64-bit Dual-Core Opteron processors running a real-time extension to BSD Unix. The company announced similar Linux support last summer, and says it has already supplied the BSD version of RTCore to network equipment providers (NEPs).

According to FSMLabs, RTCore implements a "host" environment for reliable, real-time operations, while either BSD or Linux function as "guests" OSes. In the case of BSD, RTCoreBSD implements a hard real-time POSIX 1003.13 supervisory kernel with NetBSD 3.0 serving as the guest OS. For Linux, the RTCore kernel works in conjunction with a Linux guest OS, instead of BSD.

RTCore first supported BSD kernels in May, 2002. RTCore's AMD64 support, implemented for Linux in July, can be used with AMD Opteron, Athlon 64, and Turion 64 chips.''

NetBSD 3.0/amd64 with no realtime support can be found here for free. :-)

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