hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20060129] NetBSD's community site growing
As reported before, there's sometimes need in the NetBSD community to document things related to NetBSD. In order to support this, "" has been brought up as a community site where NetBSD users can easily contribute. Services available include:
  • a RSS aggregator - if you have a blog that's related to NetBSD and you want it included, let me or Kimmo Suominen (kim at know!

  • If you want to start blogging but don't want too bother with setting up your own blog, the onetbsd (#NetBSD) blog is there for you.

  • If you have something worth documenting for the world and you don't have a website whose URL you can post in any blog (or using an oldschool mailing list :-), there's also the NetBSD Community Wiki available for doing so.
If you think some documentation available on the official NetBSD site needs work, talk to and send suggestions or (preferred :), patches against htdocs.

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Disclaimer: All opinion expressed here is purely my own. No responsibility is taken for anything.

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer