hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20060128] Blog migration: Hello World, V2.0
So far this blog was written with my own software, which was mostly a wrapper around vi to add data to a HTML file, and a perl script to dig out data and generate a RSS feed. With more or less success. Features like notifying ("pinging") search engines, tagging entries to group similar articles etc. were not supported. After seeing the tagging done in C-Keen's blog, I wanted to have that too, for exactly the tagging.

Blosxom was appealing to me as software as it doesn't need a database and all the related install and maintenance overhead (esp. I don't have root on my webserver, for starters!), and editing single ASCII files seems the most forward for me, instead of having data stuffed away in some binary blog database.

For the contents, I have basically split up the old monolithic file into single bits, and added lots of keywords (see the end of the blog page!). In the future, this can be used e.g. to easily sort articles into categories like Articles, Docs, Advocacy, Hardware and whatnot. For toying, I've started a page with tags used in my blog, please have a look.

So for the changes:

  • The bad news first: Links to seperate articles will be busted. Deal.
  • The old blog URL should still be ok (
  • The old RSS-feed URL should still be ok (
  • Tags, as told above. A lot more work can be put into this, but tools are needed. Editing like 670 files in vi is not fun.
  • No need to reload the whole page for a single article, permalinks can be set to single articles (be sure to use the permalinks provided behind the green dates, not the ones shown in the URL bar of your webbrowser.

    Yes I know that's a bit confusing, but I have no real idea how to fix that.

  • The default view shows like 20 entries and you can move to the next page and back.
  • Everything is stuffed away in one directory, and things are a bit easier for me that way. I hope I didn't goof up with the redirects.
  • I'm notifying a number of webpages about updates of the blog, so it should be found a bit better in the future.
As always, feel free to drop me mail about updates and comments.


[Tags: , , ]

Disclaimer: All opinion expressed here is purely my own. No responsibility is taken for anything.

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer