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[20060126] Lord of the (Make)files - An ode to, V1 (Update)
OK, here's something really, Really weird from the "amazing what you do to avoid real work"-department: After Ignatios cursed the zlib build framework this afternoon, the "one ring" poem from Tolkien's LOTR came to my mind, and I had an urge (see above) to modify it a bit. Here is the result:

    Lord of the (Make)files - An ode to, V1
      - Hubert Feyrer <>

    Three dirs for the x11-build under usr/src/x11,
    Seven for the GPL-lords in their halls of /usr/src/gnu
    Ninety-Nine for the usr-src, doomed to (s)bin.
    One for the superuser in his root-dir
    in the land of /usr/src where the sources lie.
    One script to rule them all, one script to compile them,
    One script to bring them all and in src/obj bind them
    in the land of /usr/src where the sources lie.

(I told you it's weird...)

Update: Ignatios has an update with better rythm, so here is V2:

    Lord of the (Make)files - An ode to, V2
      - Hubert Feyrer <> & Ignatios Souvatzis <>

    Three dirs for the X11-build under usr/src,
    Seven for the GPL in their halls of gnu,
    Ninety-Nine for the usr-src, doomed to (s)bin.
    One for the superuser in his root dir
    in the land of usr where the sources lie.
    One script to rule them all, one to compile them,
    One script to bring them all and in slash obj bind them.
    in the land of usr where the sources lie.

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer