Starting up KDE manually
In next week's SysAdmin class, I'll talk a bit about X and all the
bits around it. The end of that session is usually a demonstration
on how to start up KDE from a remote machine, without using the
"startkde" script. As I always forget the exact steps, I had to
re-read the "startkde" script, and for your amusement (and if you
want to try it, e.g. in Xnest :), here is the rap:
- kwin &
- kdesktop
- kicker
Easy. If you know. :) The main part of this is actually done
by the "ksmserver", which runs everything in the KDE "autorun"
directory. Here's what is really ran:
% ls /usr/pkg/share/kde/autostart
irkick.desktop klipper.desktop
kab2kabc.desktop konqy_preload.desktop
kalarm.tray.desktop korgac.desktop
kalarmd.autostart.desktop ktip.desktop
kdesktop.desktop panel.desktop
kgpg.desktop restore_kmix_volumes.desktop
% grep -h ^Exec /usr/pkg/share/kde/autostart/*
Exec=kab2kabc --disable-autostart --quiet
Exec=kalarm --tray
Exec=kgpg %U
Exec=konqueror --preload
Exec=korgac --miniicon korganizer
Exec=kmixctrl --restore
Obviously there's a lot more that can be started up, but that depends
on your individual needes. Happy playing!
[Tags: Docs, kde]