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[20051101] BSD Certification Group releases BSD Usage Survey
``The BSD Certification Group published its Usage Survey Report today. This report summarizes the results from the BSD Usage Survey delivered by the Group. The survey was available in six languages and ran from September 12 to September 30, 2005.

The survey contained 18 questions covering topics such as how many BSD systems were in use at a company, how many administrators, were the BSD systems used as servers or desktops, size of the organizations, what services the BSD systems provided, and related topics.

According to the report, FreeBSD is used at 77 percent of the survey takers' organizations. Over 87 percent of the systems are managed internally. Near 79 percent of the BSD systems are used as production systems. Around 72 percent of the systems are used for web services hosting and also firewall or security services. ''

The report is available for download at this location.

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer