hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20051009] A practical guide to BSD rc.d scripting
Yar Tikhiy has written up an article about the "BSD" rc.d system: ``A few typical cases of BSD rc.d scripting are put under examination in this article in order to provide reference points for further study of BSD rc.d design and efficient application. While the article does not duplicate information on BSD rc.d found in more formal and detailes sources, such as manual pages, it shows how the facts documented there relate to practical tasks. The article also highlights some fine points of BSD rc.d scripting.''

Makes me wonder where I can get that BSD system - the one I could find only had a /etc/rc, no /etc/rc.d. Not knowing of how much of "BSD" actually has rc.d, the article's still a very nice overview into the various aspects of the system, check it out (take a grain of salt with you, as I have no idea how much the described "BSD"s implementation, i.e. FreeBSD, differs from the original NetBSD rc.d implementation). Now, anyone up for a comparison against launchd and Sun's SMF?

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