hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20050810] Finally in hardware: NetBSD Controlled Toaster
``It has long been regarded that the UNIX-like OS NetBSD is portable to every type of machine except perhaps your kitchen toaster. Technologic Systems, however, has conquered this last frontier. Using one of its rugged embedded TS-7200 single-board computers housed inside the empty space of a standard 2 slice toaster, Technologic Systems has designed a functional NetBSD controlled toaster.''

What other than OMFGLOLIWANTONE should I say?! Very cool to hear things like ``the board being able to survive 60 seconds at a time a half centimeter away from an 800 watt burner element. A regular PC can't even survive room temperature without heatsinks and fans, and the TS-7200 has neither.''.

More: website, PDF.

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Copyright (c) Hubert Feyrer