hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20050728] Knowledge FileSystem for NetBSD
``Knowledge FileSystem for NetBSD is an intelligent and auto-sorting filesystem developed as a final year project by me, Kailash Sethuraman, for Nanyang Technological University. It is more of a framework than a conventional filesystem. The purpose of the filesystem is to allow the actions of every VFS operation to be controlled by plugins in userspace, to provide an intelligent filesystem which can automatically sort and in the future, search your data. [...]

[After mounting knowfs], all VOP_RENAMEs to the smart folder will be intercepted by KFS. The use of the mv program to drop files into the smart folder will result in the data getting sorted automatically. For example one can just state that all pdfs go into a pdf/ folder, and all mp3s are to be parsed by a mp3.s script. A drag and drop into this folder, will cause the action to be taken on the file. '' See the homepage for a lot more data and nice graphs. Reminds me a bit of the NetBSD/Summer-of-Code "userfs" project, but I may be wrong. Good to see the tradition of research being carried out on NetBSD continuing!

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