hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20050428] NetBSD: Live disk backup
der Mouse has developed a system to intercept block read/write operations in disk drivers (wd, sd) in realtime, and mirror them over a network to a remote process which will then write the blocks back to disk. Regardless of the filesystem used, this will allow a live backup of a "hot" disk, and if data rate gets too high to transfer blocks (as disks are a bit faster than networks today ;), the system will fall back to making a list of blocks that need backup, and will process them when system load's down again later.

The code is already available for NetBSD 2.0 (and 1.4T, for those still running it 8-), and der Mouse will also present the system at BSDCan 2005. (Pity I didn't have time to accept the invitation when I asked to come to BSDCan :(). Anyways, see the README file to get more information!

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