hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20050417] Stephan Maus' original article
After Stephan Maus' essay "Veitstanz der ikonoklastischen Teufel auf dem Gerätepark" which describes how to fight the digital immaturity with Open Source, and which was printed in the german newspaper "Süddeutsche", here is the unabbreviate article "The Culture of Open Source" on Stephan Maus' homepage, describing the absurd situation in today's computer "market", and how one can escape with the help of Open Source and NetBSD. The bibliograph lists a FreeX article on NetBSD besides W. Gibson's Cyberpunk novells and Userfriendly.

A very nice (german language!) intro for people who don't have a lot of Open Source background about ways of thinking not following what today's "market" propagates!

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