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[20040901] NetBSD 2.0(beta) Live! CD with FreeX 5/04
The 5/2004 issue of the german computer mag "FreeX" includes a bootable Live CD based on NetBSD 2.0(beta) that boots right into KDE and contains a number of neat tools like KDE 3.2.2, KOffice, Gimp, Sodipodi etc. FreeX also has a (german language) article about the CD online.

I've used the CD, and it's really useful - includes lots of nice drivers from the upcoming NetBSD 2.0 release, including Atheros drivers which I used for performance and interoperability tests with 54/108MBd WaveLAN tests at the University of Regensburg's Computing Center.

Issue 5/2004 of FreeX, which includes the Live CD, can be ordered online!

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